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This Purview governs snowfalls and blizzards, the season of winter, and all nature of frozen climes. In addition to elemental cold and ice, it holds power over things symbolically associated with cold, such as inaction or cold-heartedness, or with the season of winter, like the death of plants or hibernation.





Cost: Imbue 1 Legend
  Duration: One scene
  Subject: Multiple characters
  Clash: Composure + Legend vs. Presence + Legend
  Range: Medium
  Action: Simple
When tempers flare and action comes before thought, you can cool things down. This Boon can be used against characters engaged in combat, intense argument, reckless decision making, or similar emotionally agitating scenarios. They grow cold-hearted, almost emotionless. Whatever they were doing, they stop, and won’t return to it for the rest of the scene — they’ll walk away from brawls, take a moment to reconsider whether they should be having an emotional argument, take the time to think their plans through more thoroughly, or similar. They can still defend themselves if others try to harm them, but will not initiate any kind of hostilities.    


Cost: Spend 1 Legend
  Duration: Instant
  Subject: All enemies in one range band
  Range: Medium
  Action: Simple
You can drain away the heat of the world, icing over landscapes and freezing enemies from the inside out. Roll this as an attack using (highest Power Attribute) + Occult. It has the Bashing, Piercing, Ranged, and Shockwave tags. All water in the targeted range band is also instantly frozen solid. Ground becomes iceslick difficult terrain, as well as other environmental changes such as bodies of water freezing over or pipes bursting.  


Cost: Imbue 1 Legend
  Duration: Indefinite
  Subject: One character or multiple trivial characters or multiple objects
  Range: Medium
  Action: Simple
Things slow to a halt as you strip away the speed from the world. If you use this Boon on a character that has Scale with regard to speed, like a cheetah or a Scion using a Feat of Scale, their Scale is reduced by one. Characters without Scale add +2 Difficulty to all rolls based on physical speed. This Boon can be used against all trivial opponents in range for free. Alternatively, you can slow any number of moving objects of the same general type within this Boon’s range, reducing their Scale with regards to speed by one. For example, you could bring traffic to a grinding halt by slowing all cars in range.
Innate Power: You never suffer harm from extreme cold, nor difficult terrain or Complications due to snow, hail, or ice. You may walk over water or even clouds, as it turns to solid ice underfoot long enough to support you.

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