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Ranged Weapons

Name Tags Total
Derringer- The derringer is a small pistol that can be hidden in one’s sleeves or pockets. It only carries a single shot and is normally not very powerful. Similar firearms, such as a pen gun or a homemade zip gun, can use these traits and tags. Concealable (1), Firearm , Lethal , Ranged 1
Heavy Autoloader- Like the heavy revolver, these are designed to pack a punch. Known example from popular culture is the Desert Eagle. Heavy autoloaders sacrifice bullet count for greater lethality and rarely have more than 8 or 9 bullets in the clip. Firearm , Lethal , Loud (-1), Piercing (2), Ranged 1
Heavy Revolver- More common as a handgun for hunting, these revolvers pack a hefty punch and most people will need both hands to keep steady. Usually hold 5-6 shots. Firearm , Lethal , Loud (-1), Piercing (2), Pushing (1), Ranged 2
Light Autoloader- The lighter variety sees a lot of use, especially among armed law enforcement. Classic use is to fire three shots in rapid succession. Light autoloaders usually carry about 9 shots in a clip but some variations carry as many as 15 bullets. Firearm , Lethal , Piercing (2), Ranged 2
Light Revolver- Lighter revolvers don’t pack the same punch but are more common than light autoloaders. They usually hold about 5-6 shots but some variations can hold up to 8 shots. Concealable (1), Firearm , Lethal , Piercing (2), Ranged 3
Heavy Machine Gun- Heavy machine guns are not designed to be carried but are fixed to a defensive location. They fire much heavier ammunition to pierce through armor and wreck engines if not the people inside a vehicle. Automatic (2), Brutal (1), Firearm , Lethal , Loud (-1), Piercing (2), Ranged , Two-Handed (- 1), Unconcealable (-1) 2
Machine Gun- Designed for continuous fire, these machine guns can carry up to 200 bullets. They can be carried, mounted on vehicles, or fixed to a defensive place. Automatic (2), Firearm , Lethal , Piercing (2), Ranged , Two-Handed (-1) 3
Machine Handgun- A handgun can be altered to provide fully automatic fire and some handguns are designed for that purpose. These are smaller than submachine guns and carry fewer bullets, but are designed to be used with just one hand. Automatic (2), Firearm , Inaccurate (-1), Lethal , Piercing (2), Ranged 3
Submachine Gun- A submachine gun is a smaller machine gun that can be more easily fired while carried. They are better than assault rifles in closer quarters but cannot match them in range. Submachine guns can easily carry 30- 50 bullets in a clip. Automatic (2), Firearm , Lethal , Ranged 2
Tommy Gun- The first official type of submachine guns, this historic weapon of the prohibition era is easily recognized with its ammunition drums. These drums can hold as many as 100 bullets. Automatic (2), Firearm , Lethal , Ranged , Two-Handed (- 1 +1e to all rolls to count ammunition 1 (2 if you count the +1e to ammo)
Anti-Tank Rifle- Built for extreme range and to take down heavily armored opponents, an anti-tank rifle can shoot through brick walls and even metal plating. It is truly in a league of its own and a preferred weapon for Scions who go hunting for giants. These rifles rarely carry more than 5 or 6 bullets, largely because of the sheer size of their ammunition. Brutal (1), Firearm , Lethal , Long Range (1), Messy (-1), Piercing (2), Unconcealable (-1 counts as Scale 1 weapon 2
Assault Rifle- Most assault rifles fall under this category regardless of design. These rifles can be set to single shots, burst shots, or fully automatic fire depending on your need. Assault rifles commonly have around 30 bullets in a clip. Automatic (2), Firearm , Lethal , Piercing (2), Ranged , Two-Handed (-1) 3
Big Game Rifle- Similar to hunting rifles but designed for larger prey, big game rifles are used for putting down bears, elk, and the occasional troll. Big game rifles are more powerful than standard hunting rifles but carry fewer bullets, only about 4 or 5. Brutal (1), Firearm , Lethal , Loud (-1), Piercing (2), Pushing (1), Ranged , Two-Handed (-1) 2
Hunting Rifle- The standard long-range rifle is commonly used for hunting, although hunters may choose their prey differently. Most hunting rifles carry about 9 bullets. Firearm , Lethal , Loud (-1), Piercing (2), Ranged , Two-Handed (- 1) 0
Sniper Rifle- The generic sniper rifle is designed for accuracy at long range. It doesn’t pack the same punch as a big game rifle but can be just as lethal if not more so. Sniper rifles often carry around 10 bullets, to offset any inaccuracy. Firearm , Lethal , Long Range (1), Piercing (2), Unconcealable (-1) 2
Automatic Shotgun- These shotguns are designed to be either semi-automatic or fully automatic to deliver multiple shots in rapid succession. They are more prone to becoming jammed, however. Automatic (2), Firearm , Lethal , Loud (-1), Piercing (2), Pushing (1), Ranged , Two-Handed (- 1) 3
Dragon-Breath Shotgun- These shotguns are loaded with special ammunition that will set the target on fire, causing burning injuries just as much as bullet wounds. Burns , Firearm , Lethal , Ranged 0
Generic Shotgun- Shotguns are designed for close combat and lack the range of rifles or even most handguns. In close quarters, though, they are deadlier than either of those. Firearm , Lethal , Loud (-1), Piercing (2), Pushing (1), Ranged 2
Holdout Shotgun- A shotgun that has been altered to have a short barrel and pistol grip can be just as dangerous to the wielder as it is to the target. Concealable (1), Firearm , Inaccurate (-1), Lethal , Loud (-1), Piercing (2), Pushing (1), Short Ranged (-1) 1
Pistol-Grip Shotgun- Replacing a shotgun’s grip can make it even smaller and is a common modification made to combat shotguns. They are lighter but also more difficult to handle accurately Firearm , Inaccurate (-1), Lethal , Loud (-1), Piercing (2), Pushing (1), Ranged 1
Rock Salt Shotgun- A shotgun can replace their ammunition with rock salt, delivering a hefty punch and leaving their targets either in great pain or stunned. Bashing , Firearm , Pushing (1), Ranged , Stun (1) 2
Short-Barrel Shotgun- A shotgun’s barrel can be cut with a good saw to shorten it below the legal minimum. Doing so can reduce the shotgun’s range but allows for the weapon to be more easily concealed under a trenchcoat. Firearm , Lethal , Loud (-1), Piercing (2), Pushing (1), Short Ranged (-1) 1
Hand Cannon- A hand cannon is as it sounds: a scaled-down cannon to be carried in hand. They lack accuracy but make it up with immense firepower. Brutal (1), Firearm , Inaccurate (-1), Lethal , Ranged , Reset (-1) -1
Musket- Much like the pistol (above) but allowed for much greater range. Firearm , Lethal , Piercing (2), Ranged , Reset (-1), Unconcealable (-1) -1
Pepperbox- A pepperbox functions a lot like a revolver but holds up to 9 bullets. Firearm , Lethal , Piercing (2), Ranged 2
Pistol- A single-shot pistol required powder and bullet to be loaded individually before being fired. Firearm , Lethal , Piercing (2), Ranged , Reset (-1) 1
Arbalest- Arbalests are a much larger variety of crossbows that requires both hands to use. Firearm , Lethal , Piercing (2), Pushing (1), Ranged , Reset (-1), Two-Handed (-1) 1
Bow- Most bows share the same traits and tags, represented here. Arcing (1), Ranged , TwoHanded (-1 bows can have different types of arrows which add different set of tags (see below) 0
Crossbow- Most crossbows share these traits and tags. Firearm , Lethal , Piercing (2), Ranged , Reset (-1) 1
Barbed- These arrows and bolts are made to cut and tear through flesh, making them notably messy. Lethal , Messy (-1) -1
Blunt- Blunt arrows are used to hunt smaller animals that would be ruined by normal arrows. Bashing , Stun (1) 1
Explosive- Dangerous to carry and fire, these experimental arrows and bolts explode on impact. Lethal , Prototype (-1), Shockwave (4) 3
Fire- Arrows and bolts can be set on fire, usually to light something else on fire at a distance or to light up the way ahead. They burn as much as they pierce into their targets. Lethal , Burns 0
Frog-Crotch- These arrowheads are dual-tipped and u-shaped. They are made to cut through rope as much as to deal damage. Lethal , Versatile (2) 2
Humming- These give off a loud shriek, more so to give signals than to actually hurt. Bashing , Loud (-1) -1
Piercing- Made to pierce through most armor. These are the standard arrows and bolts. Lethal , Piercing (2) 2
Target- These are generic arrows that are most commonly encountered. Lethal 0
Boomerang- The popular boomerang can be used as a thrown weapon. With a proper stunt, the weapon can even return to its wielder after being thrown. Arcing (1), Bashing , Returning (1), Stun (1), Thrown 3
Dart- Darts usually don’t cause much damage by themselves but are commonly used to deliver poison at a range. Arcing (1), Concealable (1), Bashing , Soft (-1), Thrown 1
Javelin- Javelins are the standard throwing spears but can also be used effectively in melee as well as for throwing Arcing (1), Lethal , Melee , Piercing (2), Thrown 3
Throwing Knife- The traits and tags for throwing knives can be used for other blades that are weighted for throwing, such as the popular shuriken or bladed discus. Arcing (1), Concealable (1), Melee 0, Lethal 0, Thrown 2
Atlatl- An atlatl is a stick that grabs onto a javelin to give it a greater push when thrown, giving it an even greater range. Arcing (1), Lethal , Long Range (1), Piercing (2), Reset (-1), Thrown 3
Ballistic Knife- A ballistic knife has a small spring hidden in the handle. Although it can be used for stabbing, the wielder can press a button to release the blade and send it flying over a short distance. Firearm , Lethal , Melee , Reset (-1), Short Range (-1) -2
Blowgun- Blowguns are short and hollow sticks used to deliver darts over a greater distance via the power of your own exhale. Bashing , Soft (-1), Reset (-1), Thrown (0 often used to deliver poison -2
Dart Gun- This handgun variety of the dart gun is a firearm used to deliver a dart, often poisoned, to a target. It has a greater range and is more accurate than a blowgun. Bashing , Firearm , Reset (- 1), Ranged (0 often used to deliver poison -1
Dart Rifle- This larger variety of the dart gun is used for greater distance and larger darts to deliver larger doses of whatever poison they arm it with. Bashing , Firearm , Long Range (1), Reset (-1 often used to deliver poison 0
Flare Gun- A flare gun is a common emergency tool. It fires a colorful flare, often to signal a location, but can be used to harm others by setting them on fire. Burns , Firearm , Lethal , Ranged 0
Hairspray Flamethrower- This improvised weapon requires a canister of flammable hairspray and a lighter. When used properly, it can easily burn someone’s eyebrows off or even set their clothes on fire. Burns , Bashing , Inaccurate (-1), Melee , Reach (1) 0
Sling- The generic sling is a leather cord that is used to throw a small rock with greater force. A well-made slingshot can use the same traits and tags. Lethal , Piercing (2), Thrown 2
Speargun- A speargun fires a spear as the name suggests, but the spear is often attached to a strong cord to reel in the target. Firearm , Lethal , Piercing (2), Ranged 2
Stun Gun- Bordering ranged weapons, this device doesn’t have the range of firearms but can use the Firearm skill. A stun gun is generally used to stun or incapacitate opponents. Bashing , Firearm , Melee , Reset (-1), Short Range (-1), Soft (-1), Stun (1) -2
Gas Grenades- Very much like smoke grenades and do create smoke screens, but are usually filled with harmful gasses. Tear gas is a common choice. Arcing (1), Shockwave (4), Soft (-3), Thrown (0 the gas used in these grenades usually cause everyone caught in it to suffer a Condition. 2
Flashbang- A stun grenade, better known as a flashbang, is meant to disorient rather than harm or kill. It creates a flash of light and a ringing noise that stuns but does not cause injuries. Arcing (1), Shockwave (4), Soft (-3), Stun (1), Thrown 3
Frag Grenade- A fragmentation grenade is designed to take out personnel by showering them with shrapnel. These traits and tags also cover homemade pipe bombs and dynamite sticks. Arcing (1), Lethal , Loud (-1), Messy (-1), Shockwave (4), Thrown (0 Scale 2 damage 3
Incendiary Grenade- Incendiary grenades use chemicals to create dangerous heat and fire. These grenades burn rather than shred through flesh with shrapnel. Arcing (1), Burns , Lethal , Loud (-1), Messy (-1), Shockwave (4), Thrown 3
Smoke Grenade- Like a flashbang, smoke grenades do not really harm anyone but create a cover through which is difficult to see. Arcing (1), Shockwave (4), Soft (-3), Thrown (0 the affected area is covered in concealing smoke that creates a level 3 Complication to see anything. The effect lasts for a minute unless it is dissipated earlier somehow. 2
Disposable Rocket Launcher- These are very similar to the standard rocket launcher, except that it can be collapsed with a prepared rocket. Extending the rocket to fire takes a moment, however. Concealable (1), Firearm , Lethal , Loud (-1), Messy (-1), Ranged , Shockwave (4), TwoHanded (-1 Scale 2 damage, can only be fired once 2
Grenade launchers can be loaded with any sort of grenade as listed above and can fire them beyond the range that most people can throw. Some grenade launchers have been reduced to their minimal components to be attached to the underside of a rifle. Arcing (1), Bashing , Firearm , Ranged (0 a grenade launcher uses grenades for ammunition and can cause Bashing injuries if they hit a target directly. 1
Rocket Launcher- These launchers, as the name implies, fires explosive rockets at a target. The standard rocket launcher uses the Attribute appropriate to the weapon’s range, while a heat-seeking rocket launcher can use Intelligence regardless of range. Firearm , Lethal , Loud (-1), Messy (-1), Ranged , Reset (-1), Shockwave (4), Two-Handed (-1 Scale 2 damage 1
Flamethrower- A modern flamethrower will douse a target with burning liquid that burns the target to crisp. Arcing (1), Automatic (2), Burns , Firearm , Lethal , Short Range (-1) 2
Cannon- The generic cannon covers most varieties, from historic to modern, in terms of traits and tags. Cannons and their variations use either Intelligence or Cunning to fire, but are often aimed at large enough targets to make hitting it easy Brutal (1), Firearm , Lethal , Long Range (1), Loud (-1), Piercing (2), Slow (-1), Unconcealable (-1 Scale 2 damage, this weapon is normally stationary and requires Intelligence to fire. 1
Chaingun- These machine guns use larger caliber ammunition than other varieties and have high enough rounds per minute that popular culture describes the weapon as “cutting” through metal. These weapons use Dexterity or Cunning and are too heavy for normal people to lift. Automatic (2), Firearm , Lethal , Messy (-1), Piercing (2), Unconcealable (-1 Scale 1 damage, this weapon is usually stationary or attached to a vehicle. 2
Flak Cannon- The ammunition used by these cannons explodes into shrapnel and are often used against aircraft. However, these flaks can just as easily take down infantry. Brutal (1), Firearm , Lethal , Long Range (1), Loud (-1), Messy (-1), Slow (-1), Shockwave (4), Unconcealable (-1 Scale 2 damage, this weapon is normally stationary and requires Intelligence to fire. 2
Heavy Cannon- Heavy cannons fire more powerful shots that are often loaded with explosives. They are designed to take down large armored vehicles. Brutal (1), Firearm , Lethal , Long Range (1), Loud (-1), Messy (-1), Piercing (2), Slow (-1), Unconcealable (- 1 Scale 3 damage, this weapon must be stationary and requires Intelligence to fire. 0
Mortar- A mortar fires a fragmentation grenade in an arc towards its intended target. Mortars always use Intelligence to fire. Arcing (1), Firearm , Inaccurate (-1), Lethal , Loud (-1), Shockwave (4 Scale 2 damage, this weapon requires Intelligence to fire. 3

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