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From ancient wells and municipal waterworks to flowing rivers and vast oceans, all Water is governed by this Purview. It rules the ebb and flow of the tides, the sustaining and cleansing power of fresh water, and the untold perils of crashing waves and the deep sea.  




Cost: Imbue 1 Legend or spend 1 Legend
  Duration: One scene or InstantPurviews | Boons 263
  Subject: Body of water
  Range: Long
  Action: Simple
You exert your will over water, controlling the tides or currents that move through it. You can calm all water out to long range, making it still and placid even in the face of a hurricane, or change the direction that currents flow in, letting you reverse the direction of a river or cause a riptide to drag lost swimmers back to shore. Reclaiming the Legend imbued in this Boon causes the water to revert to its natural behavior. Alternatively, if you spend Legend instead of imbuing it, you can call up a great wave to crash down on your foes. You roll this attack with (highest Power Attribute) + Occult. It has the Bashing, Long Range, Pushing, and Shockwave tags.  


Cost: Imbue 1 Legend Duration: One scene Subject: Self Action: Reflexive
You can heal by submerging yourself in a body of water, resolving an Injury Condition at the end of a scene spent immersed in water. You can only benefit from this healing once per session. In addition, you extend your senses through the water. As a simple action, you can displace your perspective to any point out to long range within the same body of water, seeing through that point as though you were physically there.    


Cost: Imbue 1 Legend
  Duration: Condition
  Subject: One character
  Range: Short
  Action: Simple
You overwhelm a character with the sensation of endless drowning as a Condition. Even though they know they can breathe, they either panic or despair as they feel suffocated by an endless crushing darkness. All rolls they make with Social or Mental Attributes are at +2 difficulty. If they are submerged in water or at risk of becoming so, this also applies to Physical Attribute rolls. This Condition resolves when the target suffers near-drowning or a comparable mortal peril due to water, or when you reclaim the Legend imbued in this Boon.
Innate Power: You can breathe water like air and swim with flawless grace, ignoring any Complication for moving or acting underwater. You are also immune to harm from the pressure or temperature of water.

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