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Wonderment is the magic of folk- and fairytales, the Working by which Sorcerers vanish from sight, disguise themselves, fly through the air, and appear to turn lead into gold. Most of the effects that it produces are illusions intended to impress and deceive onlookers, but in the hands of a clever Sorcerer, they can be just as powerful as spells of other Workings.


Inherent Technique: Veil

Skill Roll: Special
Cost: None or imbue 1 Legend
Duration: Scene
Subject: One character or one object
Range: Short

The simplest Wonderment Technique disguises one thing as another. If used on a person, it can give them the appearance of another human of roughly similar size for the duration of the scene, also changing the target’s clothing into whatever the Sorcerer wishes. If the Sorcerer is trying to imitate the appearance of a specific person, she must imbue 1 Legend and succeed at a Sorcery skill roll.


The power can be used on objects as well, up to the size of whatever an ordinary person could lift and carry, so long as the resulting illusion’s shape bears some resemblance to the original. A handful of leaves could be disguised as a stack of dollar bills, for example, but not as a chair. Again, the Sorcerer must only imbue Legend and make a skill roll if trying to duplicate a specific object.





Skill Roll: No
Cost: Imbue 1 Legend
Duration: Scene
Subject: One object
Range: Short

With this Technique, a Sorcerer causes a Scale 0 object to move under her command (walking if it has something resembling legs, crawling or rolling otherwise), bend itself as if it were made of flesh, and even fight for her as if it were a 4-dot Follower with the Heavy archetype and up to four points of tags appropriate to its material, with the exception of Knacks.


In addition, Animation can be used to make a vehicle up to the size of a small airplane operate on its own without a driver or pilot, so long as the Sorcerer is occupying it, using his Sorcery skill in place of any Pilot skill rolls during travel.



Skill Roll: Yes
Cost: 1 Momentum
Duration: Scene
Subject: Self or one object
Range: Close

The Sorcerer can vanish from sight. While invisible, he gains +3 Defense and a 3 Enhancement on stealth rolls, reduced to +1 and 1e if an opponent has some way of detecting his general presence (supernaturally keen senses, following tracks in mud, spotting eddies in smoky or misty air, etc.). If he takes an Injury Condition while invisible, he must make a Resilience + Integrity roll to avoid ending the spell, but otherwise can act freely.


Concealment can also be used to hide objects (up to the size of a pillow or backpack) from a target’s senses. The concealed item becomes undetectable to the target (only) by any means, even if she is in direct contact with it or it injures her. If used on a weapon, the wielder gains a 2 Enhancement on all attacks against the target.



Skill Roll: No
Cost: 1 Legend
Range: Close

The Sorcerer creates an ordinary object or related collection of objects whose total size doesn’t exceed what he can hold comfortably in both arms. The Technique does not duplicate specific items, but only general types that the player describes, such as “a sword,” “a cooked dinner for two,” “a fancy wristwatch,” or “a heap of coins.” If used to create money or precious commodities, Conjuring produces roughly enough to cover an ordinary day’s expenses.



Skill Roll: No
Cost: Imbue 1 Legend
Duration: Scene

This Technique allows the Sorcerer either to cover an entire Field with an illusory scene or to create a realistic but insubstantial phantom. A phantom created through Glamour follows the same rules as the Ephemera Boon. To create an illusory scene, the player describes the intended result in one phrase (“An opulent throne room,” “A burning hellscape under a blood-red sun,” “The same place, but under a full moon”) and makes a Sorcery skill roll. The skill roll doesn’t determine whether or not the spell is successful, but provides the difficulty of any roll needed to recognize that the scene is false. Nothing created through Glamour has any substance: if the Sorcerer produces the illusion of a crowded city street, the pedestrians and vehicles will pass through real people, while someone in an illusory forest could walk through trees if she desires.


Transfer Wound

Skill Roll: No
Cost: 1 Momentum
Range: Close

Sorcerers have little direct power over injuries, but this Technique can save a life if they are willing to pay the price: the caster can heal an Injury Condition by transferring it to himself or another willing individual. If the subject who takes on the wound has no unfilled injury boxes of the appropriate level, it fills the next higher one. The Technique cannot bring someone back to life who has died, but it can be used to move the Taken Out condition from a dying person.



Skill Roll: Special
Cost: Imbue 1 Legend or 1 Momentum
Duration: Scene
Subject: Special
Range: Self or Short

By imbuing 1 Legend, the Sorcerer either gains the power to fly at her normal running speed or levitates a Scale 0 object. If the object is dangerous enough to use as a weapon, she can wield it using her Sorcery skill at Short range for the duration of the spell, applying whatever weapon tags the Storyguide thinks are appropriate. If it’s large enough and solid enough, the object can instead act as cover.


Untether can also be used to unlock doors and cause chains or ropes to fall off whatever they are binding. This use of the Technique costs 1 Momentum instead of having a Legend cost and requires a Sorcery skill roll to succeed. The Storyguide can apply difficulty modifiers in the case of complex locks or supernatural bonds; in the case of the latter, the Sorcerer cannot break any bonds applied by a being of a higher tier than herself.


Eternal Youth

Skill Roll: Yes
Cost: Spend 1 Legend
Duration: Permanent
Subject: One character
Range: Close

You are able to reverse the ravages of time, bringing someone back to the peak of their health. Your target gets the Peak Performance Condition. You may also choose to reduce the target’s apparent physical age to whatever the target desires.


Golden Apple

Skill Roll: Yes
Cost: Imbue 2 Legend
Duration: Indefinite
Subject: One object
Range: Close

You may imbue an object with power and emotion, granting it great power over whoever possesses it. This functions as the Boon Irresistible Impulse with the following changes: the Difficulty increase to actions and the Enhancement to detect the emotion are equal to your successes on the Sorcery roll, maximum 5, and the effects apply to whoever currently carries the object. When they resolve the Condition, the object vanishes from their possession and reappears elsewhere in the scene. If you reclaim your Legend, the object loses all power.

Charms: Wonderment charms can be used to duplicate feats of sleight of hand or perform simple actions that the Sorcerer could do himself with minimal effort: turning lights on and off, opening unlocked doors, conjuring an apple from a fruit bowl into his hand from across the room, producing music out of nowhere, and so on.

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