Afterlife of the Hurg'otlen People

The people of Hurg'tiltoh have a curious way of looking at the world compared to the many cultures of The Land. The Hurg'otlen people all bear medium length twisted horns atop their bronzey heads, which they protect and prize immensely. The reason for this is not because they are rare, or because they are made of a valuable material, but because to the Hurg'otlen their horns are their only way back to the "True World", or the Jeeg'tiltoh as they call it.   According to the beliefs of the Hurg'otlen people, long ago one of their number, remembered only by his title Purg'ten Toh - Banished of World - commited a great evil while living in Jeeg'tiltoh. Back then, the people bore no horns and were known as the Jeeg'otlen. The nature of this evil act is not truly known, but each settlement of Hurg'otlen people seem to have a different belief regarding the exact sin. Nevertheless, the sin caught the ire of the gods of Jeeg'tiltoh, and determined to make an example of Purg'ten Toh, decided to banish him. The gods each took a pair of twigs and using them like chopsticks, plucked Purg'ten Toh and each of his kind, and moved them one by one to this new place: Hurg'tiltoh. In the places on their heads where each banished Jeeg'otlen was pinched by the chopsticks, a tiny splinter of the banishing instruments was stuck, and over time, these grew into large wooden spirals, and hence how the Hurg'otlen got their horns.   The gods elected to leave the Hurg'otlen in Hurg'tiltoh until they had learned to be good once again, and as a result, the Hurg'otlen have taken their quest to heart. Every new member of the Hurg'otlen is trained in the most respectful of manners, the most open of mindedness, and the most self-sacrificing of spirit, in hopes of earning the love of their gods once more.   And here is where the importance of the horns lies. Hurg'otlen belief states that their memories are stored within their horns. After the death of a Hurg'otlen, the old gods of Jeeg'tiltoh break the horns from the dead Hurg'otlen's head and drink from the memories kept within. One day, when the gods' thirsts are sated, they may permit the return of the Hurg'otlen to Jeeg'tiltoh. Until then, the Hurg'otlen will work to perfect being perfect in the confines of their deadly and dangerous purgatory prison.

Cover image: by Hallucigenia


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