The Origins of the Golsh'figten

The continent of Hurg'tiltoh is wracked with multitudes of man-eating terrors and beasts, especially in the drier regions where the many-legged monsters roam in search of fleshy prey. However, for all the horrors of these deserts, there is only one that the locals are truly afraid of, even though it has not been seen for more than 2 centuries: Dehrdreden'Golsh; the Grey Devil of the Pit.


Legend has it that 300 years ago was when Dehrdreden'Golsh first seen. A pale, gargantuan creature, larger than a warship. Eight massive lance-like legs held its large, wide body above the ground, which was protected with thick layers of stone-hard shell. It had no eyes from what people could see, but it seemed to respond to sounds and tremors, spearing the noisiest of runners on its thick, pointed feet, and raising its feed to its round maw at the front of its body. It seemed to know instinctually where people could be found, for even when nothing could be heard in all directions, it would strut in a dead straight line towards the next nearest of towns, and then the next, decimating populations and crushing everything under its immense weight, leaving only the sturdiest of buildings intact.

That was until it met its match: the hero Turg'n Ep Iln concocted a plan to trick the beast.

Turg'n was a well-experienced traveller of the desert, and having not only slain no small number of the roaming beasts but learnt much of their methods and ways, Turg'n felt he could defeat the great Dehrdreden'Golsh.

One day more than three weeks after the first sighting of Dehrdreden'Golsh, Turg'n intercepted the beast just as it was leaving a town it had destroyed. Turg'n pulled from his pack a collection of small wood-drums and bells, and tying the biggest of these, got around to stomping and yelling as much as he could in order to draw the beasts ire. The massive pale menace turned on its spot to listen in the direction of Turg'n, and after seemingly a moment of hesitation, it decided to pursue this ruckus.

Dehrdreden'Golsh might be large, but it is not slow. Turg'n ran to keep ahead of the demon, and after a full day and a full night of running he had finally led it to where he needed it to be: a huge pit. Turg'n had previously prepared a tightrope across the wide chasm in the middle of the desert, and with barely a moment to catch his breath, he took to the tightrope with the broken drums still tied to his feet. Dehrdreden'Golsh continued but slower, noticing the lack of tremors and stomps from the ranger, but still it approached the gap. When Turg'n eventually reached the opposite side, Dehrdreden'Golsh had only just made it to the first edge. Oblivious to the hole before it, the demon attempted to walk across the pit only to find no ground beneath its two front legs. Quickly, it made to retract its feet, and it would have easily regained its balance right then if Turg'n had not been more prepared. Turg'n knew how well-balanced these creatures were, and how with so many legs they can so easily shift their body weight to account for sudden surprises. Turg'n had been prepared. As it was, one end of the tightrope was nailed deep into the ground some distance behind the beast, meanwhile the other end was wrapped tightly around a boulder Turg'n had ordered to be delivered to the location days beforehand.   With all that remained of Turg'n's strength, he pushed and screamed at the boulder, which tilted and rolled under his determined force, tilting and leaning until it plummeted into the pit. The cord went taut as the boulder yanked on it, and the deep stake planted into the ground behind Dehrdreden'Golsh bent under the strain. A deep crack split from either side of the stake, weaving across the cracked stone to either side and connected with other cracks to form a deep semicircle around the monster. The ground split, and the very floor Dehrdreden'Golsh stood upon was thrust into the depths, taking the pale demon with it.   To this day, centuries later, the chittering and screeching of Dehrdredon'Golsh can be heard from the top of the pit, but the settled mist and dark shadows that loom within block any chance of spotting the demon from above. Worse, the beast's presence appears to terrorise the other inhabitants of the pit, which scramble to the surface in fear. Thus, even banished, Dehrdreden'Golsh continues to plague the continent of Hurg'tiltoh.   It is for this purpose the Golsh'figten - the Pit Fenders - was founded: a force of watchers and guardians to defend Hurg'tiltoh by monitoring the pit and killing anything that dares attempt to leave its confines.


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