The Outer Belt

As described in the Creation Story, the sun propells matter and energy in all directions out into the Nullity. Some of this matter and energy - this Power - is caught by the magifillic orbits of the planets in the system, but much more of this matter is thrown out into the Nullity where it seeks other crumbs of forsaken Power and attempts to create something: something made from scraps, that is inspired only by the deep dark void of which it is surrounded by.   An uncountable number of pieces of the divine... floating without sense, direction, or purpose, in complete isolation, far beyond the edges of our system. Even so, they seek other pieces of The Power in desperation. When they do, they summon more to join them, and then more. But... they have not found anything to be inspired by. The Power - these fragments of matter - they cannot do anything without inspiration, without some memory or idea or beholden sight to tempt them into creation. So instead, they gather, and they fester, and they brood in the cold embrace of the Nullity. Until... the darkness itself somehow inspires them. That, or the Nullity. Some sort of idea makes its way into the cluster of The Power, and inspiration strikes in a most devastating and monstrous way. An idea only half-formed, combined with another only half-formed, merged with something else. Some sick, unseen muse weaves chaos into the Power... The Nullity. It works with what it's been given. It pulls and yanks and pushes, and it shoves ideas and thoughts and dreams into the hopeless, isolated cluster of divinity.   And what comes of it is something entirely otherworldly, and almost certainly not resembling anything the divine could have designed willingly.   This is what exists on the Outer Belt.

Cover image: by Ernst Haeckel


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