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Inspector Shin's Clues: Lost Pyramid of Sosra

Sosra's Library:

Hundreds of papyrus scrolls are stored here in carved niches. Several more were spread out on the many gold lecterns around the room. It appears that many detail methods of pyramid building, however, one spoke of the Atlantean pillars roughly translating to:

“When I used the ancient key, the pillars glowed like moonlight. When my slaves moved the pillars to my new temple, the light grew brighter. I believe they are somehow drawing soul energy from Atlantis itself, and the closer the pillars are brought to the sunken island, the more powerful they become. I could use this light to guide me to Atlantis itself!”

We also found a relatively modern note, inscribed on vellum, which read:

“I have hidden the Ring and Ankh in the safest of all possible places—with my beloved. With her protecting it, no one will be able to use it against me.”

We did find both an ornate ring and a black ankh necklace on the mummy Atma, wife of Sosra, but did not have time to properly investigate these artifacts before being betrayed by Dr. Stewart and set upon by Sosra himself!
We were introduced to Dr. Stewart and Ms. Munroe who guided us to Sosra's Tomb. Here we were attacked by cultists and an undead mummy! They translated the hieroglyphics and told us the tale of Sosra:

In 2500 BC, Sosra was a priest and advisor to the Pharaoh Djoser. While wandering through the desert, Sosra discovered two curious stone pillars. One pillar was made of marble, and highly resistant to fire. The other was fashioned from mud-brick, and remarkably resistant to water. Carved upon these pillars was some of the magical knowledge of Ancient Atlantis from the time before the great flood.

Sosra used this knowledge to create the first pyramid and taught his techniques to the craftsmen who oversaw its construction. These craftsmen went on to become the Freemasons. Sosra also learned many medical secrets from the pillars, including a secret formula used by the Atlanteans to obtain immortality. Sosra used this formula on himself but soon learned he needed to consume human blood in order to rejuvenate his body. This limitation displeased him, so he developed the process of mummification, which preserved the body and eliminated the hunger for blood.

Sosra had himself mummified alive and became the first undead mummy. He taught the technique to others and eventually many pharaohs, priests, and even servants became mummies as well. Sosra grew so powerful the ancient Egyptians eventually came to worship him as Imhotep, the god of medicine. The dark gods, not willing to be outsmarted, cursed Sosra and the other mummies with paralysis. They fell to the ground as if dead, and their followers dutifully entombed them according to their ancient rituals.

Note: Found in the secret basement of the Rosslyn Chapel guarded by the Demon Baphomet.

An ancient papyrus scroll that shows a map of the Saqqara Necropolis, one of the oldest tomb complexes in all of Egypt. Clearly shown on the edges of the map are two stone pillars which resemble the Atlantean ones described in Dr. Van Helsing's notes. The bottom of the scroll depicts Masonic symbols identical to the ones found in Rosslyn Chapel. The map marks a previously unknown pyramid, due south of Djoser’s step pyramid. This lost pyramid is labeled the “Pyramid of Sosra.”

The Mummy Sosra

The Mummy Atma, bride of Sosra

Dr. Nathaniel Stewart and Ms. Daphne Munroe

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