Arcanus Fundare Item in The World of Toril | World Anvil
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Arcanus Fundare

The complete first chapter of the Nether Scrolls

This is a golden book with silver lettering within, the pages are 10 inches by 15 inches and it is 5 inches deep. This book has the complete set of 10 scrolls for the first chapter of the Nether Scrolls. With every read of the Arcanus Fundare you gain a deeper understanding of the magics that form the world, the pages always seem to hold information regarding your inquiries, regardless of what field of magic you’re focusing on. While holding this book, everyone who can wield magic has advantage on Intelligence (Arcana) checks. This book can act as a spell-casting focus for all classes.

Reading the Book

You may choose to gain one of the following effects after studying the Arcanus Fundare for 8 hours, for every time you've read the Arcanus Fundare double the time you would have to spend to gain an effect.
  • You may gain one spell slot of any level you can cast
  • You may gain 2d4 1st level spell slots
  • You may learn two new spells of any level you can cast
  • You may learn 1d6 spells of 1st level
After your 10th study you radiate magical energy, all of your attacks are considered magical, you shed bright light for 5 feet and dim light for 10 feet.  


There were only two copies of the Nether Scrolls made, each made in 5 chapters. Each chapter is a step on the route of magical mastery, and incomplete sections of a chapter still hold enough power to teach discerning mages secrets of the magics.
Item type
Book / Document
Legendary Artifact
7 lbs.
10 in. x 15 in. (5 in. depth)

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