Deathless Condition in The World of Toril | World Anvil
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A deathless is an individual who exists without death, or without mortality. Deathless are defined by their lack of mortality, each deathless achieves this by a different method but the result is the same, neither immortality nor mortality, simply existing in the middle. Those on the path to Godhood often use being deathless as a stepping stone to becoming truly immortal.
"Mortality is outdated, mortality is part of what keeps you bound by the rules of the material realms. The hardest part about loosing mortality is staying alive, but truth be told there's nothing to it."


Deathless are often indistinguishable from mortals, it is up to the GM if a spell identifies them as undead or not (If uncertain lean towards whatever seems to be in the middle ground). Deathless no longer experience any mortality, there is no pain, hunger, aging, or exhaustion. A deathless will still need to take long and short rests, but sleep is just another way to pass the time now. To gain the full benefits of a long rest a Deathless needs only rest for 4 hours, unlike an elves trance ability this rest can be interrupted and spread over the rest. Like the trance ability, the Deathless will need to rest without making anything else their focus, they can draw, read and write for example, but not attune to a magic item or actively be on patrol. While resting your passive perception is down 5 points.

Becoming Deathless

There is very little known on becoming deathless. The concept is to lose your mortality without dying, but many find the harder in execution than the concept. As it's currently understood there are variables unable to be controlled that cause some resurrections to result in the resurrected being deathless.  

Passive Features

Death isn't mandatory for the deathless. When a deathless is set to 0 hit points they do not die from that and can continue into negative hit points. The deathless must return to at least one hit point before they take a long or short rest or else they make a roll on the death table.
Extremely Rare
Notable Deathless
Atilla Pinesage

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