Faerie Geographic Location in The World of Toril | World Anvil
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The Faerie world is broken into two main factions, the Seelie and Unseelie Courts, with varying sub-factions existing among them. Accessing Faerie is relatively easy and can be done on accident however the travel is known to be imprecise, meaning there is a chance you could discover an undiscovered place of Faerie.  

Traveling to Faerie

Without the aid of spells or a Planeswalker, most people find themselves traveling from the Centralized Plane of Toril to Faerie through the Feywild. The Feywild, like other collision planes, has openings to and from the planes it is connected to.  
Faerie Fatigue
The first travelers to Faerie coined the phrase Faerie Fatigue which refers to the plane's natural effects. The effects of Faerie Fatigue tend to last no longer than a day, with effects being as mild as a headache to as severe as being unable to produce magical effects.

The Seelie Court

Exports and specialties  

The Unseelie Court

E&S   Faerie Conflicts War Courtrooms


  • The Planes of Toril
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