Magical Warding in The World of Toril | World Anvil
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Magical Warding

For a standard ward, the effort and arcana put in to create it is directly proportional to the effort and arcana required to dismantle it. Over the years however, scholars have found ways of augmenting wards to get more selective effects.

Area of Effect Warding

These are the Wards and Barriers used to protect large areas with multiple targets within. Once you’ve passed into a warded area you become aware of the protection you now have. Walking through the boundaries of a ward feels different depending on who the caster is and their magic.  

Ward Creation

To calculate the resources required to create or destroy a ward you will follow these guidelines.

10 GP are equal to a Level One Spell Slot

A 9th Level Spell Slot is 90 GP. However some modifiers will double or half the cost, so when infiltrating a warded area, be careful you understand the ward before rushing in.

To destroy or disarm a ward you have to expend equal resources to what was used to create the ward, however the arcanist who created the ward will know their ward has been disarmed. To disarm a ward without giving an alert you have to overcome the ward by 10% of it's cost.

Ward Details

As you create the ward you have some freedom over what the ward looks like and the experience of crossing it’s threshold.

Ward Types

While creating your ward you will have to provide a material component to determine the type of ward you will create. You can only create one ward type at a time, however if multiple ward types are overlaping the same space the strongest ward is noticed first.


(Animal Shell or Hide and a 1 pound Gemstone) Targets of the ward can not pass into the warded area as long as the ward is active. This effect can not be combined with other effects.


(Ant Material Component and 50 gp) Targets of the ward take damage when they cross into the warded area and take half damage while in the warded area. The damage type is based on the material component.


(Ink or Dye and the design drawn out) Targets of the ward are marked with a symbol to show they crossed into the warded area. When combined with the Silent Modifier they aren’t aware of the mark unless they see it. When combined with the Undetectable Modifier the mark is invisible but can be revealed by the ward creator or by ____.


(Detector/Sensory Gland and Webbing) When the targets cross the wards threshold the ward manager knows where they are until they leave the warded area.

Warp Proof

(Something barbed to line the perimeter1) The warded area can’t be the target of any location based magic, the only way in would be to walk in, if possible.

Ward Modifications

When creating a ward, you can modify it to change both the price and function of the ward. As you create the ward you have some freedom over what the ward looks like and the experience of crossing it’s threshold.

Undetectable Runes

(Material Component) Targets of the ward can not pass into the warded area as long as the ward is active. This effect can not be combined with other effects.

Temporary Protection

(Material Component) Targets of the ward can not pass into the warded area as long as the ward is active. This effect can not be combined with other effects.

Targeted Warding

(Material Component) Targets of the ward can not pass into the warded area as long as the ward is active. This effect can not be combined with other effects.

Protection from Scrying

(Lead lined chest) Those protected within the ward are unable to be scryed by magical means.

Warp Proof

(Something barbed to line the perimeter1) The warded area can’t be the target of any location based magic, the only way in would be to walk in, if possible.  

Living Wards

Nobody knows how to recreate them, but legend has it that there used to be wards that could feed on failed attempts to disarm them and use that energy to grow stronger and repair themselves. The methods required to produce a Living Ward have long since been forgotten.

Personal Defenses

Personal defenses are used to prevent effects that would target you from taking effect. These can make you unable to be scryed and detected or make you unable to be the target of a spell.  

Duration & Permanence

Some wards are designed for dangerous circumstances and are more than what is needed in daily life, while some are designed to be kept active at all times.

One Time Use Wards

(Material Component) These wards are cheaper to create, however after they've fulfilled their intended purpose they get destroyed or lose power if they can’t be destroyed. The price for these is at least 50 gp using the

Permanent Wards

(Material Component) While these are a more costly solution to personal warding, they can withstand multiple and frequent uses.

Ward Effects

The effects that can be applied to personal wards are different than the effects that can be applied to area of affect wards, mainly due to a lack of public knowledge on warding.

Protection from Scrying

(Lead lined container) Placing the ward in a lead lined container that was involved in the creation process will provide the additional benefit of making the individual resistant to attempts to scry them.

Spell Proof

(Material Component) While these are a more costly solution to personal warding, they can withstand multiple and frequent uses.

Damage Resistance

(Bottled essence of chosen damage type) This is a rarer form of warding, however the idea was replicated off of magical creatures and their abilities to resist certain damage types. There are rumors of researchers in the south being able to provide total immunity to a damage type instead of resistance.

Extra Life

(Life in a Jar) A ward of extra life protects the user, even from death. Should any spirit or avatar of death come to claim the warded individual the life in a jar will be expended, rendering the ward useless. As the life in a jar is spent the warded individual is returned to half their maximum hitpoint value, rounded up.

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