Punchie’s Planar Guidebook Item in The World of Toril | World Anvil
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Punchie’s Planar Guidebook

While there is nothing to physically set this book apart from any other spell-book or tome except for 10 pages which appear to be made out of pure gold with silver writing. Each time these pages are read you feel like you more intimately understand the planes, and they always seem to hold information regarding your inquiries, regardless of which plane you’re focusing on. While holding this book, everyone who can wield magic has advantage on Intelligence (Arcana) checks. This book can act as a spell-casting focus for all classes that can cast magic, and if you have access to the appropriate spell slot levels, Banishment and Plane Shift become spells that you can learn, regardless of your class.

While the book is Open

When holding the open book you gain access to more spell slots at your lowest spell slot level equal to your Intelligence (Arcana) modifier with a minimum of 1. If you’re holding the book open you can leaf through its pages for 5 minutes to gain advantage on navigating the outer planes.

While the book is Closed

When holding the closed book you may add your proficiency score to saving throws and checks when you are the target of Planar/Dimensional magic. If you are using this book as a spell-casting focus you can add your proficiency score again to your Spell Save DCs and Spell Attack Bonus.

When opening or closing the Book

As you open or close the book all planeswalkers and creatures who aren’t on their native plane that are within one mile of you learn your location and feel compelled towards you, you also learn their locations. All planeswalkers and creatures not on their native plane must make an Intelligence saving throw against your Spell Save DC or be compelled to walk towards where you opened the book. When you observe a Planeswalker in this method you may choose to meditate in increments of 15 minutes, for every set of 15 minutes you learn about the creature and will have advantage on rolls against them for the next 6 hours.

Extra Spells & Rituals

Scattered throughout the pages of Punchie’s Planar Guidebook are alterations to many spells that people in the world of Abeir-Toril have seen before. Anyone who can copy spells into their spell-books may learn these spells without destroying the spells in Punchie’s Planar Guidebook.
Better Banishment.
If you know the Banishment spell you may now select which plane your target goes to instead of them going to their home plane, and the saving throw gets replaced with your spell save DC.
Planeshift Sigils.
When casting Planeshift you have access to a new safe house in each plane. As you leaf through the pages you always seem to find new sigils, labeled with where they’ll take you, but unless you write them down or bookmark the page you don’t see the same sigil twice.
Planeshift Group Casting.
The spell level is divided among the number of casters and each caster must put forth a minimum of that level spell slot. When dividing spell levels, round up.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

While the majority of the book is a standard journal, the magical pages that always seem to have the right answer are a forgotten artifact. The magic pages are a part of the Nether Scrolls, and they use the enchantments placed upon them by the Netherese to always have relevant information to your desired topic.


The Planeswalker who refers to themselves as "Punchie" has chronicled their lessons in planar magic, so their discoveries aren't lost
Item type
Book / Document
2 lbs.
8 in. x 12 in.
Base Price
322 gp

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