Session 13: Report Report in The World of Toril | World Anvil
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Session 13: Report

General Summary

After finishing the fight with the Naga guarding Szass Tam's Phylactery in Eltabar, Thay, the party recovers from injuries leaving Christian Romano ruffled and Vanora in a new state of being. Learning more about her condition from the Answerer, Vanora learns how to become a master of mortality. Vanora traded away the Phylactery in exchange for a way to contact Malcomthet, demon ____. Eva had to re-summon Raerther after the battle, and this was the parties first time being with him without invisibility. Christian Romano used the discarded Phylactery to reveal the location of the 6 remaining Phylacteries in Szass Tam's network to Joaquin and the party. Upon Joaquin and Eva's encouragement the group has purchased a wagon and started traveling across Thay towards Bezantur.

Missions/Quests Completed

The Monster of Eltabar
Exploring the Forgotten Realms
Rhys Ioun
Christian Romano
Report Date
05 Mar 2021
Primary Location

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