The Executioner's Mark Condition in The World of Toril | World Anvil
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The Executioner's Mark

The stain of the God-Killers

After killing a being of mass power, some of their power will transfer to their killer. The killer will be branded with The Executioner's Mark which will store the excess power for them as well as mark them to any other beings of mass power.  


An Executioner's Mark is visible to everyone for 2d4 hours for every being of mass power the executioner has killed. The design of an individuals executioner's mark is based on the weapon they use, the traditional mark has the weapon bisecting an image of life and death. Those familiar with an Executioner's Mark are able to examine the mark and discern who all the executioner has killed. While the mark isn't visible the only way to reveal the mark would be through magic, such as the spell "Reveal"  

Gaining an Executioner's Mark

Little is known about how to gain an Executioner’s Mark. In the past those who had them tend to share information with only their apprentices, leading to a gap in the public knowledge base. In current times even less is know as the art of mark magic, a subset of the runic arts, has been forgotten and replaced with spell based magic.

Phantoms of the Fallen

After killing a being of mass power, a figment of their form will follow their executioner for as long as they bear The Executioner's Mark.  


When you slay your first being of mass power, you gain your the Executioner's Mark. The conditions that must be met for the kill to count as an execution are as follows:
  • Target must be killed with one attack
  • Your intention must have been to kill
  • A third party has to bear witness to the execution
  • Essence?

Features of the Execution's Mark

I'll forget to insert the blurb, but let's pretend I already inserted it for ÆSTHETIC
Passive Features
  • Your first strike or round of attacks against a being of mass power is at advantage
  • When you drop any creature to 0 hit points you gain a number of charges equal to the amount of phantoms you have
Special Abilities
  • You can expend your charges to make an extra attack against a target, each time you use this ability the cost increases by one. The cost resets after a long rest.
  • You may add extra damage to all attacks you make this turn. The damage is a freely chosen amount, however when you select the damage you must also take that much damage. You may use this ability number of times equal to the number of phantoms you have, you regain all uses of this ability after a short rest.
Magic Shrouds 
Extremely Rare or Forgotten
Insert an executioner's mark

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