Verynth Geographic Location in The World of Toril | World Anvil
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In Verynth there is no royal lineage, the only thing connecting one ruler to the next is the desire to better Verynth for all who live there.   SShort bytag Contests Current Rule Houses Reps of each house Notable historic events First leader Current Leader Accessing Verynth   House of the Glass Rose Art and science Science as an art Analyzing the glass to understand chaos magic They believe that in that structures formed of glass can help highlight the ways the world around them works.   House Philosophy - Practiced and precise, yet expressive and inventive. The perfect marriage of art and science. Glasswork - Many of the people associated with the House of the Glass Rose practice glassblowing in their developmental years, learning these ideals and implementing them into artistic pieces that show both technical proficiency and the fullest expression of themselves. For Euric, this piece was an ox drinking from a pool of water under the shade of a large willow tree. Lineage - The House of the Glass Rose doesn't follow a particular bloodline or family tree. Rather, it's members and officials come from all walks of life around the multiverse.   Verynthian Freighter. These ships carried hundreds of Astral Miners and their families across the Astral Sea and onto different planes to carry out their mission: collect large amounts of sand and other materials to produce the Glass that is famed in Verynth.   the githyanki, made up a majority of the population on the ship for most of its voyages.   the Verynthian Library while Gisella studied. Practically every subject and language in the known multiverse could be found here, including folktales and story books of all sorts. Euric and his mother would go through entire shelves of books, reading about ancient treasures and brave adventurers from across the planes.

Notable Verynthians


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