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Drowned Sea - Drown Entry Spooktober 2023

Spooktober 2023 Personal Homepage

The Drowned Sea is a wretched place, a vast expanse of distant ocean plagued by wild Drowned, endangering travelers and hardened military vessels alike with their swarming, all-consuming mobs of lost travellers.


Although mostly empty ocean, the Drowned Sea is home to a small collection of islands and is home to the untouched Undercity of Akofam, which is used as a pseudo-headquarters of the spellcasters fuelling the Drowned problem. The sea itself is mostly deep ocean, far from land, but the sea floor is high enough for life to survive and thrive.


Because of the location's significant problem with Drowned, the various creatures and resources in the Drowned Sea are left mostly untouched, the very devastation of the wretched beings is the cause of one of the few truly untainted areas in the world. This tantalising pinacle of pure nature has often been the direct cause of various initiatives to study or exploit the region, which are often halted following the mostly universal deaths of any teams sent in to survey or prepare.

Localized Phenomena

Unlike many other area afflicted with large amounts of Drowned, the Drowned Sea observes frantic mobs of Drowned hunting for live individuals unlucky enough to wind up nearby, swarming aboard their ships and sinking them, claiming the occupants for their hordes to join the ranks. This is the main reason that the name of the Drowned Sea invokes fear in even the most hardened sailors, a forbidden course that no person ever survives.


The Drowned Sea is a very tropical location, higher temperatures and vibrant life being the hallmarks of what would otherwise be a delightful resort location. Now, it's a real life mirage that's home to one of the most dangerous facades in existence.

Fauna & Flora

The Drowned Sea is the safe haven for a vast wealth of biodiversity, dozens of different creatures and plants making their home in the waters, unharmed by the local Drowned that seek only to harm travellers not nature.

Natural Resources

The Drowned Sea is home to one of the Sun Islands' largest deposits of Lithium, which has proved to be increasingly alluring as the region's total supply begins to dwindle with the introduction of new electric battery technology that is entirely dependent upon Lithium to store power.
Location Information
Alternative Name(s)
Dead Man's Course
Location under
Included Locations
The Drowned Sea is, by and large, an anomaly. It is home to three bickering spellcasters that awaken the Drowned from the ancient citizens of the Undercity of Akofam and the various travellers their unholy spawn collect.

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