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Just as a little aside, I'm not entirely happy with how this article turned out, so I'm planning on breaking it down into individual, more detailed articles that can better represent the information and be less of an info dump.
— Ieuana
  Magic is, by far, the most significant natural force within the many worlds, influencing every section of people's lives and their very existence, providing power and life whilst bringing death and destruction. For more information on spellcasters and how they use magic, go here.  




  Aurum is seen as a destructive component element of magic, because of its dangerous reaction when exposed to Argenti. The exact nature of Aurum's reaction with Argenti could be compared to selective Dark Matter, explosively destroying any that it comes into contact with. As for the purepose of Aurum, it is one of the main components in the natural formation of Magicyte, the destructive reaction with Argenti being the sole method of producing Magicyte.  


  Argenti, unlike its more destructive counterpart, Aurum, is a relatively non-reactive element, remaining stable and not interacting to most exposure. Although it is mostly non-reactive, Argenti does react very significantly, albeit unreliably, with Mana Crystals, causing the magic-based energy within to begin rapidly increasing, often causing the crystal to forcibly discharge. Unlike Aurum, it is very hard to control Argenti, as it does not conform to the usual methods of magical manipulation.  


  Magicyte is a very peculiar element, as it is formed when Argenti and Aurum come into collision, some remaining energy being transformed into Magicyte. As for the differences, whereas Aurum and Argenti are Aetherial Energy, Magicyte is the main form of Mana Energy. Magicyte is the most difficult form of magic to work with, completely unresponsive to attempts to control it and only reacting from its own density.  

Aetherial Energy and Mana Energy


Aetherial Energy

  Aetherial Energy is the rawest form of Energy, existing only just within the veil of perceivable reality. Aetherial Energy is what composes Aurum, Argenti and most types of gods. Aetherial Energy is almost always uncontrollable, Aurum being the only mnipulatable form of Aetherial Energy. Attempts to control Aetherial Energy either end up in failure or an Aetherial Reaction, a sudden and unstoppable process where either a small piece of matter or an entire area dematerialises into Unstable Aetherial Energy, that eventually reforms into either Aurum or Argenti given enough time.   Aetherial Energy very rarely serves a purpose in conventional magic, but there are often references made by the lost civilisations about a method of not just understanding it but controlling and using it, although it details that the risks are immense and usually not worth the value of it.  

Mana Energy

  Mana Energy is a more processed form of energy, and is best understood out of the two types of Magical Energy. Mana Energy is primarily composed of Magicyte, the base element of Mana Energy, but it often takes the form of Mana Crystals or weaker gods. Mana Energy is best understood because of its omnipresence, often having at least low levels present in all matter.   Mana Energy is the basis of usable magic, providing the power and energy needed to cast spells and channel gods. It achieves this by its aforementioned omnipresence, meaning every living thing with high enough latent levels, or a Magic Conduit, is able to channel those levels into magic.  

Types of Magical Beings

  There are a few main types of magical beings derived from Aetherial Energy and Mana Energy, often bearing significantly more magical prowess than mortals. Usually, these beings are created by stronger beings in an attempt to replicate themselves, forming a descending spiral of beings creating weaker beings.  

Old Gods

  Born from the Beginning, the Old Gods are an ancient type of god derived from the earliest Aetherial Energy, and are the only beings with knowledge of how the universe began and why everything is what it is. As for sharing this knowledge, most Old Gods either repress their knowledge or refuse to provide it. Old Gods are also the most powerful gods, capable of reshaping and creating worlds or wiping them out if they are given enough time.   Old Gods also come highest in the hierarchy of Magical Beings, being the most powerful and all-seeing of them all, and are capable of erasing lesser beings without so much as a moment to ponder. Because of this, most Old Gods preside over worlds they have created either as overlords or in hermit-like isolation.  

Aetherial Gods

  Aetherial Gods are made from Aetherial Energy, similar to the Old Gods, but they were created later on when the Aetherial Energy had tempered itself, placing them as weaker and significantly less knowledgeable than the Old Gods. Despite this, they still hold significant power and, although they cannot easily create or destroy worlds, they can still reshape worlds to their whim if they have enough time and gain enough power.   Aetherial gods often content themselves as being below Old Gods but pride themselves on being higher in the hierarchy than the other gods. Similar to Old Gods, this power leads them to reside in worlds they've reshaped or in an almost identical isolation.  

Mana Gods

  Mana Gods are created from the significantly more plentiful but weaker Mana Energy, created significantly later than Aetherial Gods but still before the creation of sentient life. Mana Gods often have some power but are usually unable to reshape worlds without significant assistance from followers or other gods.   Mana Gods occasionally chafe in their position within the hierarchy but they are happy to continue their lives as they have all along, exploring the always expanding universe and seeking the knowledge kept from them by the Old Gods and Aetherial Gods.  

New Gods

  New Gods are Mana Gods that have been created after the first sentient life was created, much younger than the other gods but equally as powerful as Mana Gods, but lacking even the knowledge that Mana Gods have. New Gods are often more radical in their use of power, attempting to gain the strength Mana Gods lack to either reshape or better worlds, their lives closely intertwined with the sentient beings that have existed since before they were even made.   New Gods do not often hold regard for the hierarchy of gods, spending most of their time meddling with the affairs of sentient beings and trying to either acquire or create the knowledge they wish so desperately to learn as gods.  

Magical Spirits

  Magical Spirits refer to beings created from Aetherial Energy and Mana Energy that do not bear the strengths and characteristics of gods, usually made by lesser Aetherial Gods or by Mana Gods. Magical Spirits often have to specialise to compare in power to weaker gods, usually drawing power from their chosen domains.   Magical Spirits very rarely care for the affairs of gods and will usually busy themselves with caring for their homes or interacting with sentient beings they come across.  

Aether Flora and Fauna

  Found only in Aether Worlds, Aether Flora and Fauna are special plants and animals that exist based off of Aether Energy and do not use Mana Energy. This significantly alters the biology of these creatures because of their higher baseline magic and the significantly increase volatility and strength of Aether Energy.

Magical Environments


High and Low Magic Areas

  When the Mana Energy in an area begins to increase above usual levels, it becomes known as a High-Magic Area, with its own associated effects. The most noticeable effects of a High-Magic Area is an increased quantity of flora and fauna as well as all beings within the area becoming healthier and stronger. If the level of Mana Energy continues to rise, Mana Crystals could begin to form and people within the area could begin to suffer from a Magic Overdose and eventually death. Should levels of Mana Energy continue to rise, the area could eventually become a gateway to an Aether World.   When Mana Energy in an area drops below usual levels, it instead becomes known as a Low-Magic Area, with significantly dangerous effects. These effects begin with the weakening and reduction in the numbers of flora and fauna, plants wilting as animals seem to slowly die off. Eventually, all of the flora and fauna within the area will die off and anyone within the area will begin to feel increasingly sluggish and weak. Should the level still continue to decrease then it becomes a lethal death-trap, sapping any living being within the area of Mana Energy until they die.   Mana Crystals can be used to mitigate the personal effects of each environment. If someone carries a large quantity of depleted Mana Crystals, then they will intake some of the Mana Energy that would be overloading the person. In reverse, high charge Mana Crystals can slowly give off Mana Energy in Low-Magic Environments to counteract the depleting effect.  

Aether Worlds

  If an area becomes too intensely dense with Mana Energy, it leads to it forming a gateway to an Aether World, a counterpart planet existing in a mirrored space where the quantities of Aether Energy and Mana Energy have been reversed, and is filled with Aether Flora and Fauna. Although it is very easy to enter through a gateway to an Aether World, it is almost impossible to exit an Aether World, due to the one-way nature of most gateways. This is especially dangerous because most Mana Energy beings that spend large amounts of time in Aether Worlds either begin to weaken or die because of the low Mana Energy or begin to adapt to Aether Energy, irreversibly changing and damaging their biology.  

Chain Link

  Providing the means to traverse the Great Chain, a Chain Link is an incredibly high Aether Energy environment through which beings must travel to reach their destination. Although it usually happens almost instantaneously, it is possible for beings to spend time stuck within the Chain Link before reach the other side, being exposed to lethal levels of Aether Energy that could either kill the being or make them ill, but if they make it through then they are generally okay.

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