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New Musician's College of the Divine Sultan

"Ahahaha, you're telling're telling me those assholes are gone? Oh, this is amazing!"
  The New Musician's College of the Divine Sulan was a very short lived bard's college based in Earsh, and was active for less time than it took to renovate the building for use.


Much like any other academic institution, the New Musician's College of the Divine Sultan followed a structure of one designated head of the college who managed the staff and pupils. This, however, did not encompass the fact that the college took on far too many pupils than it should have, leaving the small administration overrun.


The New Musician's College of the Divine Sultan fostered an unhealthy internal culture of extreme expectations and very little chances, leaving its students demotivated and dejected. This also led to the high turnover rate of students who would try to hold out until eventully burning out and leaving.

Public Agenda

The New Musician's College of the Divine Sultan seeked to partake in the new mandate of the Salam Sultanate; educate the populous, introduce more diverse trades and attempt to strengthen the cultural backbone of the country. Unfortunately, the college failed at this in every way possible, ruining the motivation of prospective pupils and clinging obsessively to people with talent that chose to leave for better opportunities or out of resentment.


The New Musician's College of the Divine Sultan had its hold on not only a prime position in the heart of Earsh, but a significant and steady flow of funding directly from the Sultanate, allowing it to overinvest into various assets and property that ultimately worsened the economic blackhole that the college provided.


The New Musician's College of the Divine Sultan was formed in 1942, after spending 3 years renovating one of the ancient buildings left abandoned in Earsh, completely refitting it and making it ideal for use. After this point, the college began a mass recruitment drive and brought in students from across the country.   Despite their meteoric rise, this would not be a stable position for them, as their poor management and even worse treatment of their students meant that a lot of their early sign-ups left to pursue their own work or another place of learning, quickly spreading the word of the college's poor quality.   Eventually, these issues hit a breaking point, as a combination of massive economic deficits, terrible conditions and a handful of scandals led to the funding for the college being cut off, causing the college to shut down and sell the building.


Following the rapidly increasing dropout numbers, the scathing reports on conditions and the dwindling amount of gullible new students, the decision was made to cull the college in place of using the funding for more important services such as expanding infrastructure and capitalising on new gold veins in the East. Because of this sudden decision, many staff and pupils felt that they had been left out to dry, dumped without any forewarning and now in need of new work.

Music For the Soul

August 7th, 1942 - December 13th, 1943

Educational, School/Academy
Parent Organization

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