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Osorik are a type of symbiotic parasite, aggressively dominating a host as it transforms them into an ideal form to do its bidding.

Basic Information


Osorikans are thin creatures bearing a resemblance to a mix of crab and worm, long and thin but with multiple pairs of small legs to scurry and and burrow into their new hosts. Osorikans are particularly small, akin to the size of a small syringe rather than small animals.

Genetics and Reproduction

Osorikans can either reproduce asexually or with a mate, both methods requiring hosts. When an Osorik mates asexually, it releases larvae into the body of its host, which then spend a length of time developing before going dormant, waiting for the parent to find more hosts, at which point the young Osorikans will burrow out to claim their own hosts. When an Osorik mates with a partner, they have to semi-exit their hosts, mating to produce a much larger batch of larvae shared between the two Osorikans.

Growth Rate & Stages

When an Osorik is first born, it starts off as a small larvae, which latches onto the internal systems of their parent's host to feed, slowly intaking nutrients and other necessary protiens and energy to develop. After a while, these larvae develop into small, infantile Osorikans, who will go dormant until their parent can find more hosts, at which point the Osorikans will burrow out of the host into their new host, taking over the body ready for their adulthood. In adulthood, the Osorikan now takes the responsibilities of its own survival, finding food and working on its own agenda as it adapts the body of its host to suit its needs.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Osorikans do not eat on their own, leeching what they need from their host, who is able to eat what their bodies are evolved to.


Osorikans are usually more cold and calculating compared to other sentient creatures, generations of self interest ingrained with genetic memory to create a race of parasites with little regard for the beings they prey upon.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Usually, Osorikans integrate themselves with a regular settlement, behaving like a high ranking member or an arrogant outsider, but there are a few occasions where Osorikan civilisations have occured, where the Osorikans force eachother into a power structure designed to optimise their own access to hosts and luxuries.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

If an Osorik can be captured alive, there are certain key hormones that can be extracted from its body which have uses in certain medicines and chemicals.

Average Intelligence

Osorikans have a significant intelligence, honed by a mix of evolution, education and an almost flawless genetic memory, where most of the experiences and knowledge of an Osorik is passed down to its children.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Although Osorikans lack sight of their own, they have a preternatural ability to sense living beings nearby and differentiate between potential hosts and generic animals.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Osorikans have to take on hosts to survive, seizing control over the host's body and transforming it to a more ideal form in order to achieve its goals. Osorikns also prefer to take Eridiansas hosts because of their naturally ideal bodies.
Almost Endless, provided a steady supply of hosts if the current one decays.
Average Length
0.1m - 0.2m
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The small bodies of the Osorikans typically bear a light greenish or grey colour, used to camoflague themselves amongst shrubbery and the environment if they are forced to hunt for a host or escape from a host's death.
Geographic Distribution

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