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Salamese Intelligence Department

"Just because there are unexplained dissapearances doesn't mean we were wrong, just that we got caught. And after all, it's better we get caught than never tried in the first place."
— Abdul Adil, speaking at an inquiry meeting
  The Salamese Intelligence Department, or SID for short, is directly responsible for identifying and eliminating threats to the Sultanate and its government.


The SID was originally set up witha simple, albeit effective military hierarchy, but over time this has been broken down as the organisation organically changed to a new form, becoming more chaotic but able to more rapidly adapt to the various trials and tribulations thrown its way. A prime example of this new hierarchy is the undercover operatives of the organisation, which handle themselves in an entirely different hierarchy that treats the SID as a separate, albeit benevolently rich organisation.


The SID has developed a somewhat rebellious culture, chafing under the authority of the Salamese Department for Internal Affairs and seeing themselves as rightfully independent enough to run unsanctioned covert operations and illegally source funding for its own uses.

Public Agenda

The SID does not have a public agenda, but they do focus on making sure the public barely remembers they exist in the first place. After all, it's easier to take the shot if you're in the shadows.


The SID has access to a vast wealth fof unding and assets, accumulated from their own profitable ventures and the funding from the Sultanate. This has led to the SID being able to sanction operations that the Sultanate purposefully strips funding from, further emphasising the untrustworthy, independent nature of the organisation.


The SID has been present at various key historical events, averting assassinations and causing them, manipulating major incidents and attempting to control the international stage. This has had various success, such as managing to kill certain opponents and gain a vast supply of self-funding, but it has also had adverse effects, like accidentally killing some of their own operatives or nearly being discovered.

Never See, Never Be

Government, Secret Service
Alternative Names

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