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Session 1

General Summary

The first session, taking place on the 29th of July in 2023, was the beginning of the First Maqbara Campaign, involving the characters of Sensu (BloodMarry), Red (Erasmas), Eshemi (Yusa), Xelfy Zippletopple (Yeti) and Oliver Felixis (Mac). The session lasted from 19:21 British Time, 21 minutes after the arranged 19:00, in order to wait for confirmation that Erasmas would not be present, to approximately 23:50 British Time, with BloodMarry, Yusa, Yeti and Mac present.   The session began with coordinating access to Roll20, the VTT used to run the campaign, before beginning in the centre of the New Year's Festival on the 1st of January in the Capital City of Earsh where Sensu, Eshemi and Xelfy encountered each other at a trinket stall. After encountering each other, the characters struck up conversation and introduced eachother as Sensu purchased alcoholic beverages from a nearby stall, which was beginning to be overwhelmed by the quantity of customers who wanted to purchase drinks. After continuing their conversation, and as the stall ran out of drinks, Sensu encouraged the party to travel to a bar he remembered from an undefined point in the past, Old Al's Inn, and they agreed, travelling away from the festival to the much quieter city streets.   When the party arrived at Old Al's Inn, passing the Merchant's Guild, they found the place seemingly abandoned, a newly added sign on the door reading "Inn closed until further notice. Old Al at Merchant's Guild if any questions.", at which point Sensu tried to enter, a chain lock on the door stopping him. After giving up, Sensu directed the party to the Merchant's Guild, where they met Old Al and witnessed the Clerk having to calm down a distressed halfling merchant. When questioned, Old Al explained that the basement of his Inn had been overrun by a group of creatures, mainly Yakdash, and so to protect his staff and customers he has had to seal off the basement and close his Inn, and due to the shortage of hired help he has been waiting 3 days for help. After a bit of attempted negotiating by Sensu, Old Al remained at his offer of 30gp/wr for the job, which the party agreed to, and acquired the task sheet to show the guard at the Inn. As the party left, having overheard the job they had taken, Oliver introduced himself and agreed to tag along for a share of the pay. When the party returned to the Inn, they showed the task sheet to the guard who, despite seemingly being significantly wounded, allowed them in and directed them to the basement, explaining the situation. When the party wished to enter the basement, the guard removed the large wooden barrier and opened the door, before rapidly resealing it when the party entered the dark basement.   As the party entered the basement, they found themselves in a room used to store kegs and barrels, one of which had been broken open by a creature and that two rats, found unconscious and drunk nearby, had took advantage of the situation to get drunk. After clearing the two rats, Sensu decided to try drinking the contaminated wine, immediately having to spit it out after a wood splinter stabbed the back of his mouth. Not deterred, and much to the protest of Eshemi and some protest from Xelfy, Sensu began to drink directly from one of the other kegs, managing to drink a limited quantity before Eshemi interrupted to turn the tap off. Now deterred, Sensu begrudgingly returned to the party as Xelfy cast light on her staff to provide vision for Eshemi, who was the only human in the party and so lacked darkvision, before they all entered the adjoining corridor. As the party continued down the corridor, they eventually reached the semi-destroyed bunkroom, where a Giant Spider was waiting to defend a cocoon, and was alerted by the party's prescence, engaging Combat 1-1. After dispatching the spider, the party tended to most of their wounds from the battle before opening the cocoon and rescuing Sagri Radago, the gnome tinkerer who had been attacked by the Yakdash and had to be left behind by the other fleeing staff. After taking a detour to deliver Sagri to the guard upstairs for medical treatment, the party continued exploring the basement, eventually finding a larger part of the corridor where they attacked and killed 3 rats before entering an adjoining double door, finding a destroyed storage room containing the 3 Yakdash, engaging Combat 1-2. After killing the hostile Yakdash, the party tended to their wounds and Oliver harvested some Yakdash Spines (the defensive kind not the bone kind) before returning back to the Inn, informing the guard of their success, who went down into the basement to begin cleaning up. The party then returned to the Merchant's Guild.   When the party returned to the Merchant's Guild they informed Old Al of the newly cleared basement who thanked them and handed over the 30gp payment, 2gp of which was put into the Party Fund and the rest was distributed amongst the party, before leading them back to the Inn, although the Clerk informed Oliver that he wished to speak with them when they returned. After arriving at the Inn, the party sat down at the bar and had drinks as Old Al prepared them a large meal and discussed the events of the day before retiring to the upstairs lodgings, the 4 rooms costing 5sp each, adding up to taking the entire 2gp Party Fund for the private bedrooms. At this point, it was agreed for the session to end and a small after-session chat was had before most members of the group left to either do something else or sleep due to the late time in the day.

Rewards Granted

Payment of 30g/wr was delivered afterwards alongside food and drink after clearing Old Al's Inn's Basement.

Missions/Quests Completed

Old Al's Inn's Basement was successfully cleared, after slaying 1 Giant Spider, 5 Giant Rats (did not engage combat) and 3 Yakdash.

Character(s) interacted with

Old Al was introduced in the Merchant's Guild looking for help, the shortage of hired help preventing him from keeping his Inn open, and hired the party to clear the Inn so he can return to business again.   Sagri Radago was rescued in the Inn's basement, who was taken captive by the Giant Spider after the Yakdash attack.
World of Maqbara Campaign
Xelfy Zippletopple
Neutral Good Forest Gnome (Hermit)
Sorcerer 7
51 / 51 HP
Eshemi Sahar
Oliver Felixis
Chaotic Evil Variant Tiefling (Charlatan)
Bard 9
66 / 66 HP
Report Date
29 Jul 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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