Standardised Currencies
The Standardised Currencies are a byproduct of international discussion to solve the major restriction of efficient trade; coin value. Instead of being stuck weighing every coin and testing its purity, the coins have a standardised composition and weight, all sharing identical or similar value.
Use and Purpose
There are six main types of standardised currency: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Electrum and Nickel. Bronze, Silver and Gold are easily broken down into factors of 100 (as a little meta note: think of any of our currencies, like £1 being gold, 10p being silver and 1p being bronze, it's a much easier way to think about it). Platinum is a more complicated currency, having an equivalent value of 12.5 gold pieces. Nickel is the least used of them all, barely having any national counterparts, and no longer bearing its own standard value.Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild