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Session 46 - The Kraken


On the 10th of Octer, the party finds that Brenlazar has disappeared. His packs and gear remains on the ship, but he has gone missing. Not knowing what to do, they press on with their voyage.

A few more days of sailing and no significant events as the crew goes about its daily routines. That is, until the 12th of Octer.

With Shipwreck Island in the distance, the ship suddenly grinds to a hault. Creaking is heard as the waters around the ship turn inky black. Tentacles rise from the water as the Kraken attacks!

Many of the crew is lost in the fight, and the ship takes significant damage. Blackjack is ensnared by a tentacle and thrown off away from The Siren, lost to the sea once again. Their options running out, Gildar orders everyone to the longboats to make a break for the island.

With everyone safely on the Longboats or fleeing, including the remaining crew members, The Siren succumbs to its fate, as the Kraken drags it to the depths below....

Related Location
The Sapphire Ocean
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