Dubrury Character in The World of Votum | World Anvil

Dubrury (Dew-brew-ree)

The Purple Father (a.k.a. Lord of Brew)

Pasmouthism is a fairly small and mostly rural religion. The various gods of the religion tend to be specific to elements of farm life. Grair, the Goddess of Grain. Whates, the God of Wheat. All headed by the Patron of the Patheon, Dubrury, the Purple Father and Lord of Brew.   To the worshipers of Dubrury, the art of brewing is the paramount of worship. They believe that the act of distilling and refining cleanses your soul taking the various elements that the other gods provide and creating something new that burns away ailments.   Those 'touched' by Dubrury are often described as "Drunkards", "Aloof", "Self Interested", and "Determined". 'Touched' view situations in relation to their acts of worship and the experimentations of their art. 'Touched' often want to be left alone in the reflection of their worship and the trend has lead to a few groups of isolationist extremists.

Divine Domains

Forge, Nature
Divine Classification
Divine Spirit