Empress Inami Thulakane Character in The World of Votum | World Anvil

Empress Inami Thulakane (In-a-me Thu-la-kah-neh)

A fierce warrior who has been blessed with the power of Ableter's Sight. Warriors spin tales of Raveneye preventing great losses in battle as she outmaneuvered her opponents always seeming to know what their next move would be.

One such tale calls how she rose from her slumber one night and called her personal army. The warriors were confused but obeyed as they marched far to the North. Where they found an army of wild men and orcs besieging a remote settlement. They pushed the invaders back into the White Wastes without losing a single soul and, without a word, Raveneye cleaned her blade and her men marched further East to another settlement facing another group of Wilders once again driving them back. She left a few men at each settlement and returned home. No words. Just action.
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