Orugul Dech (Or-oo-gull Deh-ch)

Leader of the Shonesonian Separatists

30 years ago Orugul lead the Separatist armies in an attempt to overthrow the Monarchy of Shonesone. He claimed that he found proof that in ages past the land was a republic founded by various races fleeing religious persecution. Orugul claimed that the Sacury Dragonkin Family overthrew this Ancient Senate and took the land by force. That this blood throne should be overthrown and the Senate should be restored so the people could rule themselves.   Misinformation about this Ancient Republic quickly spread appealing to various subgroups who already had issue with the Monarchy and they spun their own tales that would feed a fire in the common folk.   Factions within the Separatists grew in power with their own agendas and tactics. Orugul rallied these factions into a council of leaders in an attempt to carouse this growing horde of commoners and quickly lost control. What was supposed to be an organized military splintered off into roving bands savaging the landscape, burning towns, killing any "loyalists" they came across with no mercy.   The Monarchy had a relatively small army as the natural boundaries of Shonesone made the country relatively isolated and rarely saw conflict. The military was primarily used to fight wilderness and savage beasts that cropped up in the wilderness and cold wastes in the north. They were quickly threatened to be overwhelmed and appealed to those with strength in the country side. Several heroes of the Separatists splintered off into this new "King's Guard" for various reasons, some disagreed with the factions gathering power or some simply wanted the gold.   Orugul disappeared under mysterious circumstances and the most common rumor was that he was murdered by one of the more extreme factions in the Separatists. When Orugul disappeared so did his 'proof' of what happened in the past and the separatists broke ending the rebellion.
Current Status