Boar Spider


As the name suggests, boar spiders are about the size of a large boar. They are black and grey in color, with short-haired limbs, and small black eyes. Their bodies are small in comparison with their long legs.  

Life cycle

They grow quickly, reaching adulthood within a year and they will seek a mate within their hive. When the female is fertilized she will lay eggs in the center of the hive where they may be safe. She can lay dozens of eggs at a time, but many of her young will inevitably die before adulthood because it's a dangerous world and many predators will consider a boar spider sling a tasty morsel.  

Habitat and Range

Once plentiful, being common in all corners of the world, the boar spider has been pushed back by civilization and can now be found almost exclusively in the most out-of-the-way, and wildest of places. Still, they are occasionally seen venturing into abandoned warehouses, old mines, or caves, that may be near settled places. When such a new hive is discovered, it is tradition among all mortals, to hunt and destroy those hives, since they are considered a dangerous pest.  

Living Habits

The boar spider is semi-social, meaning they live in groups mostly for their own benefit, they will often hunt in small groups, but are reluctant to share food, and therefore food is not often brought back to the hive, which is what their living spaces are called.   They will find a closed space such as a cave or an old hollow tree, and make their home in it, sometimes they just build their hives among the bushes, as long as they have plenty of room to weave their spider silk nests and a space to safely place their eggs, which will usually be at the center of their hive.


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