
The Spirits of Flame

Cinders are the tiny little flame elemental. They are the sparks that fly from fires, they will appear from cracking flames, and stay within its general area. They will watch the flames, and make joyful sparks, they may even flutter around.   When in their physical form, they have the appearance of small children, made of flame, and their spirit form is more akin to a sentient flame, just moving through the air. they are not real fires tho, and while they can set things on fire, and touching them can hurt you, they aren't made of real fire.   However, they can control their incendiary abilities, and will only set things on fire if threatened. Their exact size can range from just a few centimetres to the size of a small child.   These creatures are kind spirits by nature and are harmless unless provoked, they will set the things on fire that they are hit with, and if made really angry, they will also shoot forth flames in vengeance. due to this friendly nature, parents will teach their children to leave these creatures alone, and will chastise them for disturbing these little spirits, even if only to prevent the cinder from setting their house on fire.   In some cultures having a cinder at a cooking fire is considered a sign that the flames and the food they cooked were blessed by the spirits.
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