

The rares of the mystics, and some of the most dangerous, dragons have strong magic, but this isn't what makes them so strong, it is actually their sheer strength, their claws, their teeth, and their grand wings. They ride the storms, and they cast fire at their enemies.  


there are two dragon types, the first is the common dragon. They range from white to black in color, darker shades being more common, and white being the rarest. they are generally built like lizards, with four legs, their wings on their back, their wings are each about one and a half times the length of their body. They have long tails They are about the size of an elephant.   The other type is the greater dragon, they come in green, brown, and red. They are built more like an eagle, they have two legs, which they walk on their front limbs being their wings. They have long necks, like a horse or a camel, and they don't really have tails. These greater dragons are about twice as big as the common dragon.   All dragons will have horns, the location, size, and shape differing per individual, they also all have large yellow serpent eyes, with a third eyelid.  

Social habits, and reproduction

Dragons aren't what you would call social, or sentimental, and they only really come together to mate, with whoever they respect. they do love, but it isn't as big of a deal for them as it is for other races. they select based on strength, power, honor, and gracefulness. They lay large eggs usually a few at a time, each about ten kilos, which they keep warm by breathing fire on them occasionally. the male will only return to bring food and will stay in the area to make sure they are safe, but the female will raise the kids. this takes about twenty-five to thirty years, after that the family will split up and they will all go their separate ways.


They have strong magic, but weak when compared to any of the other mystics, they magic is limited to being able to spray fire from their mouths in various creative ways. It is said they can also shapeshift, but if thats true, they don't do it a lot.
Related Species:
The Mystics
100-1000 years


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