

Fae are easily confused with elves when seen, owing to their similar appearance—painted ears and otherwise remarkably ordinary features. However, there are some differences. While elves have subtly pointed ears, Fae have much longer, narrower, and slightly curled ears. They are also a little shorter than the average human.   Fae possess more rounded features, strange lightly glowing eyes, and slender bodies with pronounced curves. Additionally, unique to them is their custom of painting their bodies with long curled lines meant to connect their bodily energies. The paint color is often some shade of green or blue but can also be seen in yellow, red, or brown. They can also be recognized by their unique dress, which is much less and much more practical. Their clothing largely consists of thin, woven grasses and vines, adorned with preserved flowers, carapace from insects, and animal teeth and bones.  

Anatomy and Lifecycle

Fae are mammalian omnivores with biology remarkably similar to that of elves or humans. They exhibit sexual dimorphism, with males being slightly taller than females. Naturally lean and strong-bodied, their diet mainly consists of meat, nuts, and fruits. They can live up to 450 years.   Females are only fertile in the spring, providing them with about a three-month window to get pregnant. It takes them a long time to birth a child, approximately thirteen months. After the child is born, there is a period of about six months during which they cannot get pregnant again, allowing them to have only one child every two or three years.  

Lifestyle and Living Habits

Fae live in small tribes that roam the forests, ruled by tribal elders—usually, the oldest couple—who make decisions. They live communally and often take care of each other's children. Fae are monogamous, ideally having one partner for life. It is not uncommon for them to couple with an individual from another tribe, with one of them moving to the other's tribe, a decision often based on which tribe has better land. Occasionally, when a tribe grows too large to be ruled by just one couple, they choose to split up to live more efficiently, although this is rare due to their stable populations.  

Magical Abilities

As one of the mystic races, Fae possess strong magical abilities, primarily related to healing and protection. It is not uncommon for them to develop nature magic-related abilities if they are particularly talented, which is considered a very honorable ability among the Fae.  

Hunting and Martial Practices

Fae are skilled hunters with the bow and can handle themselves with a spear. However, their martial abilities are limited, as they are not a warrior people. The tribes mostly live in peace with each other, meeting only for common celebrations, and otherwise, they stick to their own lands.
Their fearsome little faces remind of an elven child, but their jewellery custom, of wearing all they hunt, the use of feathers, teeth, even their own. Their eyes, oh you should see their eyes, soft and bright, colors unseen in any other race, all of which make them look remarkably un-elven. And then there is their body paint, hauntingly beautiful, yet subtle. Despite covering their whole bodies and faces, it fits them so naturally it might be missed when first seeing them.   -Fae as described by an unnamed traveller.
Related Species:
The Mystics
400-450 years
Average Height
1.3-1.7 m


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