

Ghouls are large grey-skinned creatures, with little to no fur, with a disturbingly humanoid figure. They walk on all fours, with long back legs, and long claws on their narrow fingers and toes. Their faces are short-nosed, with large nostrils, and wide-mouthed, filled with razor-sharp teeth.  

Living habits

They are mostly solitary but are often seen together, due to being attracted to the same foods. They come together for mating purposes, but part ways again shortly after the deed is done. Other than that, they are known to hibernate through winters by digging themselves into the ground,  


They are carnivorous, and their preferred food is carrion. Their powerful sense of smell lets them detect corpses from long distances away and their powerful jaws allow them to not only eat the flesh but also the bones. they will eat a corpse even if it is fully in the later stages of decay, their stomach acid kills anything, so they will not get sick. When suffering from a shortage of corpses, a ghoul will also eat the living, that is anything that moves, and is unlucky enough to come in their path. Their large size makes them an apex predator, and one of the most dangerous in the world for mortals.


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