

Giants are the largest of the humanoids, they are the great seers of ancient times, once their purpose was meant to be to guide the world, but now they have been driven to the edges of the continent, living far away from the corporeals. They can be found in most mountain ranges, at the heights that corporals rarely reach, they can be found on reianmye, which is mostly untouched by the younger races.


They look like large humanoids, with strong arms and legs, large feet, and big sturdy faces. They generally wear furs from whatever animals they herd, mostly yaks or other types of bovine. They have long hair, and a lot of it, in a lot of places. Their centre of mass is also lower, giving them a slumped-over look.  

Living Habits

They prefer to live in families, usually two or three generations, and together they will herd their animals. Because they are herders they will keep moving to different locations every few days.  

Combat prowess

While they are generally calm and gentle beings, shy if anything. When provoked, they will attack with great speed and incredible strength. Giants don't use swords, but instead, they will swing giant war hammers or clubs down on you. They are often fighting with orcs, who would take their herds from them, so often giant families will band together and go to war.


Being mystics, giants possess powerful magic, they don't have any combat-related magic, that's what they have their incredible strength and speed for. Instead, their magic is that of sight. They can see glimpses of the future, as well as the intentions of others, giants can use their magic to commune with each other from across the world, in addition to simply being able to see everything under the horizon in great detail, even from very far away
Related Species:
The Mystics
600-800 years
Average Height
6-10 meters

The Moot

Occasionally, once every few hundred years or so, the giants call a moot, where they come together, usually on reianmye, and discuss giant things. They don't build boats, but fortunately, they are skilled and powerful swimmers.


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