Goblins Species in The World of Yanu | World Anvil


Those under the mountains.

Goblins are the smaller cousins of orcs, they live under the mountains, and generally don't like to go out of their caves and tunnels, unless it is to gather needed materials, or to hunt prey, when they do go outside, they prefer to go out during the night, this is due to their sensitive eyes.  


They appear more hunched over than orcs, and their skin is pale white-grey color. They have large watery eyes, that they use to be able to see in the dark of the caves. They have very little sexual dimorphism, because in goblin society, everyone is a warrior.  

Living habits

Goblins live in small underground kingdoms with a strict societal structure. This structure has the warrior class as the largest, these are all individuals who, after training and intensive selection, have proven themselves to be capable warriors. Those who do not pass this exam of sorts become farmers.   They farm a certain type of fungi that grows from dung and dead flesh, they feed these fungi with their own excrement, which also solves their sanitation problem, the fungi fully consume all of their droppings and neutralize any bacteria that may live in it, and then the goblins process it for food. This isn't their only food source, as they also regularly hunt whatever game they can find in the caves, and sometimes organize expeditions to go to the surface.   Those who do make the cut, and become warriors, will spend their lives attacking other goblin kingdoms, orcs, and everyone else they can reach, for food and resources, and for the ability to prove themselves in battle.  


From their warriors, only the strongest and most skilled are selected to become breeders. The females, when chosen, will stay in the heart of the kingdom, with guards, as they are essential for producing the next generation, and whenever one of them isn't pregnant, the strongest of the male warriors will be selected to impregnate her. The breeding male is changed frequently, in order to preserve genetic diversity and keep the kingdom strong.  


Goblin mages are treated the same as any other warrior, although they are trained differently. The goblins call their mages the gifted, and they are often among the greatest of their warriors.  


The goblin king is in charge of organizing hunts, raids, and wars, as well as appointing breeders, and important matters such as that. Kings rule with a council of veterans, when a goblin warrior reaches a certain age without dying, they are granted the title of veteran, and become an advisor to the king. The king rules for life, and when chosen can no longer be challenged. When the king dies, there will be a grand tournament, to decide on a successor, any of the strongest warriors can apply to be included, and the council of veterans will organize this event, the chosen participants will fight, either until death or if one concedes the match, and the winner becomes king.    Anyone who opposes a ruling king will be punished severely, as this is seen as a great crime, and such behaviours are a danger to the kingdom's stability, and ability to thrive.
The Corporeals
Generic Ancestor
80-100 years
Average Height
1.6-1.9 meters


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