Infernae Species in The World of Yanu | World Anvil


The Soul of the Flames

The Fire, when blazing brightly and reaching an intense heat, has the mystical ability to summon the elemental of the inferno. This rare spectacle is most commonly witnessed during large forest fires or volcanic eruptions. These ethereal beings take on the appearance of furious fire giants, appearing in sizes from large human to giant-sized. their colossal forms hovering menacingly. Details in the flickering flames reveal a fiery visage, an embodiment of anger and raw elemental power.   These spirits are often hostile towards people, and besides appearing at fiery events that are simply vast in scale, they are also drawn to scenes of arson. In human settlements, their presence is considered a dark omen, a manifestation of deliberate destruction.   Contrastingly, among orcish societies, the infernae are revered as symbols of strength, power, and unbridled rage. Orcs consider them divine spirits, embracing their fiery wrath as a testament to their own resilience.   When the infernae manifest, chaos ensues. Flames intensify, and destruction follows in their wake. To counter this threat, skilled mages are often summoned to contain them. Although these beings are not easily vanquished, the mages can temporarily quell their fury. It becomes a waiting game, patiently enduring until the elemental, sated with anger, dissipates and retreats, leaving the affected area in smouldering silence.
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