
The Sea Folk

These water-bound mystics used to live in all the shallow seas, especially in the White Sea, but since the humans came along, they have been chased away into distant coasts, their biggest population centers now being the west of quianmye, and the southern coast of reiamnye, where they can live in relative peace.  


They are humanoid in appearance with scales that shine blues and grays in the sun. Their limbs are long, and they have long webbed fingers and toes to help them swim. Their pals and the soles of their feet are very rough, like sandpaper, in order for them to better hold on to things underwater, where the rest of their skin is covered in a thin layer of slime, which allows them to glide through the water. They have sharp claws, just a few centimeters long, which also aid in grabbing. Their noses are flat, and their ears are stuck close to their skull in order to decrease drag. They have thick hair green hair, that floats after them under the water, usually colored deep green, gray, or brown, although black is also possible. Their eyes are larger than human ones, and they have a third eyelid, to protect them.  

Living habits

They live in small groups, called flocks, these are simply groups of friends who have decided to hunt together, and their life is often just one big hunt, as they are always looking for food, usually by hunting, although they also forage shellfish, shrimp and crabs. Their lives are ever-changing, but their partner never does, it is said the mermaid's love can move mountains, because will go to great lengths for each other, and once a mermaid, or man, has chosen a mate, they will never leave them. Their greatest enemies are the sharks because they can't be reasoned with, and they often intrude on the merfolks hunting grounds. Because of this, killing a shark is considered an honorable deed among the merfolk. The bigger and stronger the shark, the better.    

Anatomy and Reproduction

Merpeople are mammalian, although they have gills to breathe underwater, as well as lungs, which isn't typical for mammals, they give live birth, and will breastfeed their babes. They will usually have two children at a time, in order to maximize breast usage. mermaids are only fertile in the spring, that way, they will give birth by winter, suckle their babes for a year, and then give birth to the next pair. the reason for this is that the seas are a perilous place, and many children don't survive for more than a few years. This is also why they grow up fast, they need a maximum of nine months of breastfeeding, and then they are big enough to live on adult food, and after just ten years, they are fully grown, and they will be considered adults. despite them being roughly the same size as humans. They will always come on land to give birth, usually in a secure cave near the shoreline. They do this to avoid getting ambushed by sharks or another of the many sea predators.  


Being mystics, merpeople have powerful water-related magic, this allows them to soar through the water, manipulate currents, and it even allows them to remain on land for extended periods of time, although not indefinitely, they do this by preventing their slime layer from evaporating, which would cause them to dry out and fall sick. they can also attract moisture in the air to aid them in staying wet. still, they don't like to remain on land because it is like walking on lava and hoping your shoes don't burn through.  

Weapon Usage

They prefer to use tridents, because the multiple heads allow them to be more accurate with hitting targets underwater, although they will make due with a spear if its all they can get.
Related Species:
The Mystics
100-150 years
Average Height
1.6-1.8 meters


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