Metals for Weapons


The First metal that was used for the making of weapons was bronze, a simple alloy of copper and tin, that can easily be cast in to a form, and then hammered and ground into the proper shape and sharpness. it isnt very strong though, and as time progressed, it became obsolete.  


Steel, or carbonated iron, is the most common and easiest to make metal for the construction of weapons, it is harder to make that bronze, but it is much harder and retains an edge for much longer, especially with the invention of Forgecasting, which allowed mage smiths to make the most of their steel, these weapons are the most common in the world, and can certainly be made to be very strong and durable.  


Mithril was a metal discovered a long time ago, although they weren't able to make anything out of it for a very long time because it melts at a temperature above that of iron. Therefore the forging of mithril was something that was started after the invention of steel weapons. at first, it wasn't used much for weapons, instead being used more for jewelry, until its unique qualities and potential for use in weapons and armor were realized. Mithril needs to be forged similar to how you make a steel weapon, except at higher temperatures. it weighs about 30% less than steel and is a little bit less flexible than it, and its toughness is much greater, making it superior in every way. The reason it isn't the standard metal used for weapons is that it's very rare, and therefore mithril is about as expensive as gold. it is a pearly white metal, with a metallic shine when polished.  


This metal started being used for weapons much later than mithril, this is because it has the highest melting point of all commonly used metals. it can be found in most mountains, but it is the most common in the black mountains. it is less common than iron, but still much more common than any of the precious metals. It can be cast, like bronze, and it needs to be shaped while very close to its melting point, making it quite hard to work with, but not impossible. the technique for working jet was pioneered by the orcs, since they had a lot of it. It is much heavier than steel, but its also much harder, it is very unflexible, almost like glass, but it is excellent at absorbing shock, making it nearly unbreakable when properly tempered. It looks very deep black, reflecting no light whatsoever, it is said that it is what the void looks like. it also doesn't have a metallic shine, because it doesn't reflect enough light to shine. The reason it isnt commonly used in military weapons or armor is due to its high weight, it is often used in the pommels of fnacy weapons tho, to balance them. this metal is also uniquely receptive to magic and magical infusion.


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