
Those birthed for the forest.

The One of the Forest

The Neyen were those of Yanu's Onu, whose job it was to tend to the forests. To plant them, to keep them growing, and to prepare them for the future. They succeeded in this, and when the Ynue were banished and those of them who had survived were left in the world with little purpose left, Yanu gave them one last gift, the ability to blend in. This would keep them safe. Safe from any future that would be, where they are no longer wanted. And since that day, their numbers have remained steady, they have hidden in the forests and in plain sight, they have lived, and tended the forests when they could, and they remain ever watchful for the day when they are once again needed if that day is ever to come.  


When in their natural form, they look like tree people, not at all comparable to spriggans or ents, much more human, like little people with dark birch bark for skin, with glowing yellow acorns for eyes, with narrow vines for hair, and thorns for nails. kind of like that, but not quite.  


Their most known ability is that they can transform into any animal they want. What many don't know is that each of them also has a single mortal form, and nowadays all of them have one of those. This form makes them look utterly indistinguishable from for example a human, or elf, whichever they choose to imitate.   What they are less known for is their nature magics, they can make plants grow, and they can breed plants like no mortal ever could. They can harness the true power of the forests, but their nature has never been as worriers, and although their magic can definitely be used in combat, their bodies are frail and weak, and their mind isn't used to death, instead their abilities are much more suitable for healing, for strengthening, and for sustaining.   By their nature, The Neyen are immortal and will not age, or pass away from the marching of time, they can however be killed by malicious forces, an especially devastating crime, due to their lack of an ability to reproduce. Due to them not being able to reproduce their natural forms, are not divided into males and females.
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