Nymphs Species in The World of Yanu | World Anvil


The Spirits of Light

Nymphs are light elementals. They possess the form of beautiful women, with flowing hair and radiant eyes that shimmer like stars. These mystical creatures are known to be reclusive and solitary, preferring the seclusion of forests and lakes. When found by people, they will often hide in reeds, or behind trees, in order to avoid coming in contact with corporeals.   Despite their seemingly harmless nature, some cultures view them as a harbinger of misfortune and an ill omen. However, those who encounter them often describe their presence as calming and soothing, although fleeting, since nymphs are rather shy, and will take the first opportunity to perform a vanishing act.   Legend has it that when these elusive spirits are alone, they sing in a melodic language unknown to humans, elves, and dwarves. Some believe this to be merely an illusion, a sound carried by the whims of the wind. But to those who have heard it, the music of the nymphs is a hauntingly beautiful melody that lingers in the heart long after it fades away.
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Average Height
1-2 meters


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