

The reaper's solemn duty has always been to safeguard the passage of the departed from this realm back to Yanu from whence they came. For this purpose, they have been endowed with formidable power. Nothing, not even the Ynue, has ever prevented one from fulfilling its duty, despite the Ynue's relentless attempts. These beings are simple entities, devoid of thought and speech. They exist solely to execute their purpose.  


Invisible to the naked eye, they manifest occasionally as faint shadows, subtle gusts of wind on a still day, or elusive flickers in mirrors. Their true form reveals itself only in the spectral realm, where they appear as humanoid beings of light. Clad in a full plate armor, seemingly crafted from pure light as if light itself were a metallic substance, they keep their visors closed. A longsword, also comprised of radiant light, rests at their side. Legend has it that they become visible solely to those on the brink of death.  

Effects of Changing Times

Unlike many other species, the ceaseless march of time, the end of the Ynue, and even the withdrawal of Yanu into slumber have left them unaffected. Their daily existence remains untouched as they continue to collect the souls of the departed, delivering their ethereal energy back to Yanu, oblivious to the changes around them.
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