The Sect of Athari in The World of Yanu | World Anvil

The Sect of Athari

The One God

The dwarves believe there is only one god. An all-powerful entity that rules over the world, and the dwarves in particular. This god is called Athari. Athari is neither man nor women, and has talked the forms of men and women before, to spread a divine message to the dwarves. The most recent of these prophets was a woman named Athari, which is why their god is named Athari.  

The Prophets

Once, the dwarves venerated many prophets, religious figures who had spread peace and wisdom throughout the land, who had spoken for god, or the gods, depending on what prophet you held in the highest regard. The dwarven religion had many sects, one for each prophet, and for most of history, this worked very well for them.   Until one day, a new prophet arose from the slums of Enduril, a young woman named Athari, who spread a message of unity, change, and the one true god who lived inside her, and everyone. in her early years, this woman had been ostracized by the established religious communities as a false prophet and an evil crone, but as she gained a bigger and bigger following, as people became more unpleased with the current way of things in the world, she led a religious rebellion and revolution. Her sect became the biggest one by far, and she spread her message, she wrote many books on morality and the way of life, she sponsored artists and philosophers and her reign as religious head brought about a great era of growth for the dwarves.   Upon the moment of her death, it is said the skies turned yellow, and a blue light left her body, and her people deified her, it is said that god was her, that she was god made flesh, and that she was god made dwarf, and she became the single most important entity in dwarven religion. After her death she was succeded by her daughter, who reigned as she did, although still things quickly changed, religious pogroms were organized, to stamp out any other sect that may still be followed, and the religious head started to take more power for themselves, at some point even questioning the kings divine right to rule.   The civil wars that followed were both devastating for Cordyan, but also healing, as they brought about a more peaceful solution, The royalty would rule the country and the people. and the churches would rule the mind. They would only guide people to live a better life, in accordance with the teachings of the one true god, Athari.  


Athari preached of the importance of family and said that the core of society of a husband and his wife, and their children, who are the future. She thought that to be just is to do as you would want others to. to be righteous is to look past your own flaws and see your better self, and to see it in others. She thought that peace between neighbours is just as important as peace between nations, since without cooperation, and mutual respect, success would be far away for all those involved.   She wrote whole books about the importance of these values and many more.


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