The Great River
The Yavin River is the longest in the world, Some are wider, and some have more water flowing through them, but the Yavin River spans the furthest on the globe. It splits the Yavinian plain in two, and it is also the artery that carries the lifeblood of trade and civilization from one end of the region to the other. Its many tributaries bring wealth and civilization to the people that live on them, and its many fish, feed all who live near it.
The starting point of this river is in the black mountains, a small stream that grows to become the upper Yavin River, it is met by other rivers from the same mountains, and further down, it meets the Rend River, its first major tributary, which also found its start in the black mountains, although much further north.
Its second major tributary is the north Yavin River, which finds its start in the dendorian mountains.
All these rivers come together with many smaller tributaries, to finally find their end in the white sea, at the Yavin River delta, where a great port city was constructed by the first who recognized this place's strategic importance.
Many fish call this river their home, some reside here permanently, and others come here seasonally to spawn.
One example of such seasonal fish is salmon, which prefer the northern branch of the Yavin river, and use the foothills of the dendorian mountains as their mating grounds each spring.
Pike are the permanent inhabitants of the upper Yavin especially, but can also be found in some regions of the Rend River and most of the lower Yavin. Trout can be found in all the rivers regions, while catfish can be found only in the lower regions of the river.