
Western Frontier

as long as time remembers, the western parts of the anmyan archipelago have been travel destinations for adventurous elves who are fed up with life under the monarchy. Here in these faraway lands, they live independently, with anmyan tax collectors rarely making it this far. This has created a culture of independence and tradition. Some of the best anmyan sailors are from here, since the surrounding seas are wild and windy year round, and full of fish.  


Throughout history, Tiananmye has managed to stay out of wars, as they have always been considered too far away to be important, however, for the past decades, due to rising population levels, Tiananmye has become more and more attractive a destination for all kinds of disgruntled farmers, and young adventurers, looking for green pastures to settle, most of them from Westingham and Cordyan, but also a minority of Enyanians, and Yenoans. All of this to the dismay of the native anmyan elves, and to the concern of the anmyan crown.  

Modern Times

Now, the immigrant population outnumbers the native one, and the biggest city is one founded by dwarves, no more than four decades past, when the native elves rose up in protest against these invaders, they were brutally slaughtered and driven into the central highlands of the main island, the smaller islands nearby are now nearly completely void of natives, having been replaced by settlers. This caused the anmyan crown to send a military convoy to their warring province in order to restore order and peace, however, this had the opposite effect, inciting riots and talk of rebellion, and the Anmyan convoy was sunk in the harbor of Aleaff.  

The Anmyan Civil War

It wasn't long before the Tiananmyans declared themselves a free and independent republic, which was followed by other disgruntled anmyan provinces, in particular the Rethyn region of trianmye, doing the same. this has now lasted for two decades, and there are no signs of it ending, the Anmyans were too busy defending the unity of their home island to be able to properly reconquer tiananmye. This civil war is also why Anmye doesn't have any colonies.


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