
Vampire is a broad term to refer to a group of humanoid beings that consume blood as a food source, there are many different kinds of vampires, the oldest being the lesser vampires.  

Lesser Vampire

The Lesser vampires were the first of the vampires, they were created by Mallakar as a way to influence the world. these vampires are also called undead vampires due to their being or having been dead. these vampires are capable of reproduction but most of them are mortals who were turned.   When a lesser vampire bites you, it is usually to drink your blood, usually, this is not lethal, with the exception being if they drank enough of your blood to kill you. Usually, the victim will survive though, and they will contract a sanguine fever, caused by the bite. You get a fever, nausea, itchy skin, dry throat, sensitivity to light, and a pounding headache. All of this starts fairly light and gradually gets worse. There are several ways this can play out. The first is that your immune system manages to fight off the disease, in which case you will be fine. But it is also very likely the fever kills you, especially if managed poorly. This whole process, live or die, can take from a few days to a few weeks.   If you die, there is a chance you will awake, but not as a human, as a new starving creature of the night, a vampire. It is thought the longer the fever lasts before death, the higher the chance of awakening.   Vampires are most dangerous when they first awake, since they will be at the worst stage of blood starvation, which will make them highly aggressive, as they desperately search for a living mortal to quench their desperate thirst after which they will regain much of their previous personality, with some added vampiric flair.   When fed, vampires, though violent, can be reasonable, but when starved for blood, they become erratic, frantic, impulsive, and unpredictable. They are also stronger physically, but they are weak to fire and burn much easier than mortals. These vampires die if exposed to sunlight for extended periods, however, a thick cloak or a good hood, is enough to save their lives, although the light will still weaken them.  

Greater Vampire

Greater vampires were created by Apollyus, as a way to increase his influence in the world, the very first vampire, was created with a piece of Apollyus himself, and then there was a series of seventy-nine original vampires created making eighty total. these were the first of what are called elder vampires, the oldest and strongest of the vampires.   Besides the originals, there are a variety of different types of greater vampires. There are the elder vampires, these are the direct descendants of the originals, and are the most powerful among them. Then there are the regular vampires, often called Bruxa, or just vampires, which can be further divided into types based on what bloodline they are descended from. These types of vampires first came into being as a result of hybrids between elders and mortals. these are of middling power, although still much more powerful than the lesser vampires. The third type of greater vampire, are those who were turned by a greater vampire. these are called thralls, they were not born vampires but were turned later in life, they are not as powerful as the full-blooded vampires, but still, nothing to be underestimated. Thralls are also different based on what bloodline they were turned by. Thralls can reproduce and they will give birth to normal vampires, although they will be weaker than vampires from an elder bloodline.   The bite of a greater vampire does not inflict disease like that of lesser vampires, and therefore does not kill or turn mortals by itself, instead, when a vampire wants to turn a mortal, they have to inject them with their venom, which they can control. It is also possible for a woman, pregnant with the child of an elder, to turn into a full bruxa, but it more often kills her.

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