
The Wolf Men

The first werewolves were created by the Ynue Bo-Rak as a gift of power to his most skilled champions. They would be granted the strength and endurance of the wolf, as well as the ability to take on the form of a great wolf.  


There are several types of werewolves, all very similar, but still distinct. The first type is the champion, the initial creation, powerful with great control over their transformation abilities.   The blood wolves, a subsequent creation, carry within them a dominant gene passed down through generations. While their capabilities mirror those of the champions, they are not as strong. Ingesting enough of their blood can initiate the transformation, an unpleasant process fraught with peril. The victim may succumb to illness or death, unless their immune system fends off the intrusion. If not enough blood was ingested, one's immune system will prevent you from becoming a werewolf. Those who survive become regular werewolves—potent, yet not as formidable as their pureblood counterparts, limited to transforming once a day at most. Full-blooded werewolves, unbridled in their power, can shift forms at will, unrestricted in frequency.   The third type is the cursed. With magic, someone can be cursed to become plagued by the wolf. In this case, an individual has no control over their wolf form and will transform if the night is dark enough. Light keeps the wolf at bay, preventing transformation during the day or if the moon is out. While in wolf form, they have no real control over their actions, remembering their time as a wolf like a half-forgotten dream.  

Concerning Werewolves

All non-cursed werewolves have strong immune systems and live much longer than most. Upon death, all werewolves are taken to the realm of Bo-Rak, where they will inhabit his hunting grounds, as hunter and prey. Cursed and turned werewolves are considered corrupted souls and can be cleansed if you know how. Champions and full-bloods are considered dark souls and cannot be unmade.

Associated Ynue



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