Wisps Species in The World of Yanu | World Anvil


The Spirits of the wind

Wisps are air elementals, they are some of the most common since they are some of the few elementals that don't shy away from people. They still don't like cities tho, but they are common in the countryside. They are small and mischievous, they like to steal fruits for no apparent reason since they don't eat, and they also often fly fast like gusts of wind, mess up your hair, knock things over, and therefore they are considered pests by most people. It is however nearly impossible to catch or harm them because one cannot harm the wind, or tell it where to go.   They can sometimes be heard making soft chuckling or laughing sounds, although they sound particularly not human. Because of their nature and interactions with people, parents might scold naughty children by comparing them to wisps.   Like other elementals, they are nearly always seen alone, and there usually isn't more than one in the same place. Their physical form is that of small translucent boys or girls clad in nought but their skin. They are often yellowish, white or grey colours, and they are also the same colour throughout including their hair.   The ones who are not familiar with people are notably more skittish than those who have seen them before.
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Average Height
40-100 cm


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