Ynan Yllith

City of Elves

The wood elves were the first race to establish a settled society, and they built the city that is currently the largest in the world. This city is home to almost a quarter of the total Enyanian population. Their unique approach to building houses involves constructing them around trees, utilizing them to reinforce walls, support roofs, and even build circular staircases around the trunk. This philosophy extends to their road design, water infrastructure, and placement of city walls, giving the city a distinctive forest-like feel.  


Numerous roads, both large and small, connect all parts of the city, with the main ones leading to the city center and the royal palace situated to the side of the city. The city also boasts several magnificent aqueducts that supply water to the entire population.  


The city lies at the meeting point of two major rivers, and its outer regions are busy dock areas, most of which are located close to the city centre. Some of these dock areas have smaller centres of their own. The majority of the city is urban, with stores and pubs on every corner, but the closer you get to the centre, the more dominant the stores become. The deeper parts of the city are mainly inhabited by peasants, and as you move towards the side of the city, you reach the noble quarter, where aristocrats reside. Here, you'll find large mansions and even some modest palaces. Beyond this lies the royal domain, a city-sized area with gardens, a dozen mansions, and at the heart of it all, the royal palace.  

The Palace

The Enyanian royal palace is the largest single building in the world. It is built around twelve massive red oak trees that seem like a small part of the gigantic structure. It appears as though the building and trees grew together over time. The building is so large that the tallest tower is said to reach the clouds on rainy days, and some of the palace halls are large enough to fit entire normal-sized palaces inside of them.


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