2023 Summer Camp pledge

I have neglected my Worldanvil for too long. It's been sitting on my to do list, but other things keep cropping up that I prioritise above that. So I want to use Summer Camp this year to push myself to sort out alot of what I have on here, as well as adding new things related to the prompts. I have a lot of information already which I need to put on here, just that isn't as fun as writing new stuff!   For the last two years, I have hit the Copper level for Summer Camp, and this year I want to go one better. So my target is Silver - 16 articles of new content. I also want to tidy up and prettify what I already have on here, but I know that won't count for the challenge!   My main focus will be the worlds of Kaitstud and The Faery Realm. I will likely add some articles to this world too, and possible Fenixia as well. Who knows, I'm waiting to see what the prompts are. I have a few ideas relating to the themes released so far, but I'm not going to lock any of those down til I see what the actual prompts are.  

Main focus:


May work on too:


Cover image: by Clarissa Gosling


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Jun 13, 2023 20:18 by E. Christopher Clark

Sounds like a great plan! Good luck on the Silver!

Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!
Jun 14, 2023 08:09 by Clarissa Gosling

Thank you!

Jun 19, 2023 16:15 by Haly the Moonlight Bard

One of the things I appreciate about Summer Camp Prep/Homework is that it's been pushing me to do the same thing: clean things up and get them organized before it gets out of hand.   What part of your world have you been missing the most?

Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Summer Camp in Avalon

Rhapsody in Realms FREE on Substack!

Jun 20, 2023 08:54 by Clarissa Gosling

Yes! I have seven books published, from which I need to distil all the information into these worlds. That's a daunting task and it's time to stop putting it off.

Jun 21, 2023 19:53 by TJ Trewin

Silver is a fantastic goal to work towards :D you've got this!

Journals of Yesteryear