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Riven's Initial Offer 19,500 gp
Information Guild 900 gp
Travel 275 gp


One of the more renowned smugglers not tied down to a region or organization, Aiden has a reputation of being almost too difficult to catch. On 15 occasions, at least those widely known, Aiden has been able to escape various guards, militaries, mercenaries, or adventures after being noticed and chased after. More than half of those he has either been surrounded, been in areas that were blocked off, or in areas where antimagic aspects were being used. Some refer to him as the ultimate smuggler. In addition to his seemingly miraculous escape skills, he is known to have a large network of black-market connections built up from more than half a decades worth of work. Despite his skills and reputation, he is known to refuse to take jobs to smuggle things in or out of active warzones. It is believed this is connected to the fact he has never directly killed anything.
Given the mobile nature of our company a smuggler might be good to help us get in and out of places, help get us supplies wherever we are, use connections to sell and monster parts we harvest, and give us some access to black markets if we wanted it. The trade-off is the whole they're a criminal part and whatever else comes with that. At least this one is known to be skilled and can be both supporter and member.
-Riven Guntar


  • He once escaped 10 Arbian Inquisitors in broad daylight
  • He would make an amazing assassin if he was any good at killing things
  • He once smuggled a pack of cigars into the Sorceria's solitary confinement
  • He started out with a crime syndicate in the Seven Kingdoms before going independent and international
  • He will smuggle anything but charges quadruple for people
  • He spent a year working in the Arbian expanse working to get those trapped there out





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