BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Arcane Saboteur

There are rogues who enhance their stealth and agility with magical illusions and enchantments to become renowned thieves and burglars...and then there are their distant cousins. Arcane saboteurs hone their magical ability to conjure magical traps and evoke destructive force. Many of these rogues become hitmen and explosive experts, prized for their destructive ability.  

Improvised Explosive Rune

Starting at 3rd level, you can conjure a subtle rune imbued with magical power. As an action, you summon the rune on a point you can see within 60 feet of you. The rune is obscured by illusion magic and a creature can locate it with a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check against your rune save DC.   The rune can be detonated as a bonus action. When detonated, it emits a blast of magical energy in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on that point you summoned it. Creatures within its radius must make a Dexterity saving throw equal to your rune save DC or take damage equal to your sneak attack die. On a successful save, the rune's damage is halved.   You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (with a minimum of once) per long rest.   Rune Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Brand of Misfortune

Also at 3rd level, you know how to channel a special magical symbol to unleash misfortune and suffering onto a foe. As an action, you can pick a creature within 30 feet to brand. The brand lasts for one minute, after which it dissipates. While branded, you can impose one of the following effect on the creature:
  • Attack rolls made against the creature crit on a 19 or 20.
  • The creature's attack rolls critical fail on a 1 or a 2.
  • The creature makes attacks of opportunity with disadvantage.
Once you use this feature, you must complete a short rest before you can use it again.

Flashy Escape

Starting at 9th level, you know how to make an exit in style. When you disengage as part of your cunning action, you can emit a magical blinding flash as part of the disengage. All creatures within 10 feet of you must succeed on a constitution saving throw equal to your rune save DC or be blinded and stunned until the end of your next.   Once you use this ability, you must complete a long or short rest before you can use it again.

Controlled Detonation

At 13th level, your mastery over the art of rune conjuring augments your rune's power. Your rune's detonation radius increases from 10 to 15 feet, and you can choose one friendly creature within the rune's radius to automatically succeed on their saving throw to resist the rune's effects and take no damage.  

Master of Anarchy

Beginning at 17th level, you know how to seize the moment when the explosions begin while everyone else is panicking. If you detonate your explosive rune during the first round of combat, you are immune to its damage during that turn and can make one free attack with sneak attack damage against one singular creature within range.   Additionally, you regain two uses of your rune when you complete a short rest.

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